
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Free-for-all Friday: Royal Wedding Roll Call

Do you remember where you were on this day~July 29, 1981?
I was here.
In my grandparent's bed eating breakfast in bed on a tray~one of THE biggest novelties of spending the night with my grandparents as a child. Di and Charles' Royal Wedding was no exception. :)

I was even in the same place on July 23, 1986 for this wedding.

I also remember awaking around the same early hour and sharing a box of Krispy Kreme's in our apartment building with sweet friends on the sad day of Diana's Memorial Service. 

So the burning question is if, where and how are you enjoying the nuptials of these two on April 29, 2011.
How I would love to be in my grandparent's bed getting served breakfast on a tray. Look like now it's my turn to do the servin'. :) I'm excited!

If you're looking for a party, feel free to come join the fun at Royal Wedding Roll Call. Promise not to be a lurker. Comment, for goodness sake! :) Also, double dog dare you to change your Facebook profile pic to one of your wedding pictures so it can be wedding day all over FB. It's so fun seeing people's wedding pics! Happy Royal Wedding Day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We're Giving Away the House....

Okay, not really. BUT, we ARE giving away a great book to help you get your house in order! ;-) What book? Well, go back yesterday and check out the book review for "Large Family Logistics". I'm telling you, the book is LARGE! And I think it will make an even BIGGER impact on your family. It could make a great Mother's Day gift for yourself, a young mom, mom of young kids (whether they have just one or a dozen).

We'll do a "no-fuss-we-all-get-a-fair-chance" entry. (Which means everyone gets just ONE entry by leaving the appropriate comment below). To enter, in the comments:

  1. Give your first name and the initial of your last name.
  2. Answer this question: "What is the best piece of advice that has most impacted your home?"

Entries must be in by noon (EDT) on Monday, May 2nd. Winner announced on Tuesday!

*************************GIVEAWAY CLOSED************************

Good luck!

Could You Open Your Home to an Orphan for a Few Weeks?

Remember Davids, the Latvian boy I posted about back in January? He lived in an orphanage and was about to turn 16, which meant he would be aging out of the program and basically be put on the streets. Davids (now David) was set to be adopted by a family here in the States--but at almost the very last minute, it became apparent that the family had changed its mind and was, in fact, not going to be adopting him. What happened next was an Internet phenomenon, IMO. Bloggers and social networkers began posting David's story and advocating for him--and countless people were praying for David's true forever family to come forward.

And come forward, they did! In fact, the family lives here in Georgia, and I have been blessed to meet them and to get to know them a little! What an honor to be at the airport earlier this month as David and his (non-biological) Latvian brother, Peter, arrived home with their parents! How God has orchestrated all the parts of this story is incredible, and it has been so awesome to watch it unfold. But don't take my word for it--read for yourself on the family's blog, A Forever Family. You will be blessed. To God be the glory!

Last summer, David and Peter participated in an orphan-hosting program by New Horizons for Children, an outreach that brings orphaned children to the United States to share with them a family's love. Twice a year--in the summer and then over the Christmas holiday--New Horizons brings orphans to the States for a four- to six-week period. During that time, Christian host families share with the children the love of God as well as what it is like to be a part of a family--something some of the children do not understand.

Can you imagine ... not knowing what it means to live as a member of a family? I mean, some children don't even understand what a family is. But people like you and me can invite them into our homes for a few weeks to show them love and hospitality.

New Horizons is NOT an adoption agency--it is strictly an orphan-hosting organization. While some of the participants are adopted--by their host families or by other families who get to know them while they are visiting--there is absolutely no obligation or expectation for host families to adopt. This program is an excellent way to practice James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress."

The summer hosting period is fast approaching, and there are many children on the photolisting who have not been sponsored. Would you be willing to host a child in your home for a few weeks this summer? While there is some cost associated, many children have scholarships to help with those expenses--and for the rest, I am a firm believer that God will provide for certain things. :o) Please prayerfully consider this wonderful program and whether your family would be willing to participate this summer. Don't delay, as the deadline for signing up for the program is coming up very, very soon.

From the New Horizons site:

"Orphans usually feel left out, left behind and unworthy. Their self esteem is many times so low because they have been labeled in their home city by peers as 'orphans.' After coming on our program for 4-5 weeks over Christmas holidays or during the summer months, most children learn as much English as they would typically learn in 4-5 semesters if taught at home in their school. This gives the children pride in themselves and helps boost their self esteem tremendously!

"Receiving unconditional love and nurturing and being treated as a member of their host family who will usually maintain contact even after the child returns home to their orphanage--this gives them hope. Learning that they do have a Father, the same Father in Heaven that we all have...who loves us dearly and is always with us and lets them know they are never alone."

Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me. --Mark 9:37, NIV

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Train Up Tuesday: "Large Family Logistics" Book Review

Okay, I know what your thinking since you read the blog heading - "'Large Family'? That's not me! I'll pass!" But just wait a minute, please.

Technically, we are not a "large family" (though we've now passed the 2.5 child per household average). BUT, I have trouble keeping my house in order - clean, tidy, organized, on schedule with homeschooling, open for visitors and friends to drop by, etc. I had trouble with that with one kiddo, much less (uh, er, more) with 3!

Vision Forum
has offered a new book recently: "Large Family Logistics: The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family," by Kim Brenneman. My thoughts were, "well, if it works for a 'large family', I'm sure I can learn SOMETHING!"; and learn, I have. :)

I've read other "organizational" type books before, and I have them either neatly on my shelf, or I've passed them along to someone else. Usually, these books are a little overwhelming for me because in the end, I don't know where to really start, I don't have time to figure out a good schedule/method, and most importantly, there is a HUGE lack of motivation for me.

However, in the last few years, God has been doing a work in my life and in my family. Through other books by godly women and studying His Word (especially Titus & 2 Timothy), there has been a bit of a change (well, I say that; hopefully I can get some backup from friends/family who have seen it, too). My outlook towards my role as a woman of God has fortunately changed for the better and more for His glory (though I certainly haven't reached it all yet!). "Large Family Logistics" has added to that, too. The "motivation" behind the "Logistics" is spiritual, and that benefits your family, certainly, but more importantly, your testimony to those who need Christ!

I really want to share a little from this book, in hopes that you will make it a resource for your home. Resource is a good word, because this book is LARGE, as in size! It's like a textbook! But it's well-worth your $20-$25.

Brenneman's motivation for writing this book is to help women who are like she once was - struggling to handle even the basics, longing to master even the "simple" things, and perhaps overwhelmed by it all, even with just 1 or 2 children.

In Part 1 of the book, she goes through the many challenges that are in front of us, from being overwhelmed by the Proverbs 31 woman, lack of goals and systems (the benefits of having them), having a self-check (your attitude and discipline), evaluating your time, life's interruptions, making it work when you have little ones or babies, and getting your family on board. She covers all that and so much more, while offering tips in each of these areas that are both practical and necessary to be successful.

In Part 2, Brenneman goes through what your week can look like in a very practical way. She gives great outline suggestions for your personal "Home Management Book" that include dedicating a day of the week to specific tasks (like "Town Day", "Laundry Day", "Kitchen Day"). Part 2 also shows how you can get beyond just "maintaining" and make your home a source for ministry.

I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes at the idea of "scheduling" your days at home, especially if you are a bit of a free spirit or "artsy" (yeah, I know those code words....I've had them applied to me here and there), but in having a workable system, it leads to so much more freedom and liberty to move through your days and weeks without having an extra load on your shoulders! It gives a great sense of security even if you do have an "interruption" to your day or week. You know that you'll get to whatever you missed later by keeping up with your system.

I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what all is in this book, but it has been a game changer for me! My sister read it first, and I can see changes in her life, too! I recommended this book to another friend (Laura who is married and has 3 boys 4 y.o. and under). She bought it and had almost all of it read within 2 weeks! Here is what Laura had to say about it:

"The beginning is very eye opening on what we are supposed to be doing as mothers and wives. The second half is filled with so many good ideas. I can't believe that I haven't thought of some of this stuff. I complain every Sunday about how hard it is to get to church, but I have never once thought of packing the diaper bag ahead or laying out all of the church clothes. I have complained about my kids waking up sooo early and how I can't get a shower. Well thank you 'Large Family Logistics,' I have planned out how long it takes to shower, dress, Bible study, throw in load of laundry, and be ready to greet little children with a happy face. And I love love love the 15 minute clean sessions. I always think 'oh there isn't enough time to do these things' so nothing every gets done. It is amazing how setting a timer works and how much can really get done in a little amount of time when I work at it."

To be completely honest, I haven't accomplished everything this book sets out to help you do. The book is a resource and can be read in it's entirety all at once or in bits (for whatever area you want to work on). In about 1 1/2 months, though, I've been pleasantly surprised at the change in our home, both in cleanliness and in general attitudes towards "work". My little helpers (3 y.o. & 5 1/2 y.o.) seem more inclined to help, too. Yes, there have still been days (weeks) where I feel disappointed by what wasn't accomplished or feel momentarily "overwhelmed", but, again, at least I have a workable system that gives me hope! :)

So, if your looking for help in your role as homemaker, this is a FABULOUS tool!

Much love,

Monday, April 25, 2011

Marvelous Monday: Parties for Pennies Part 2

I had fun sharing planning parties on a penny part one! I did not get my pics on the post in times so I thought I would follow up with pictures of my great finds.

First, here is a picture of the two boxes that I use all year to collect the items for our personal parties. They are in the top of my closet and when the party comes, everything is gathered in one spot. I will admit that I used to have everything everywhere. I have found this helps a ton.

The second picture is of the party favor bag that cost under $1.00 total. The figure is .50 since I got them on clearance in a pack of 6. The blowers come in at .5 (they were clearance from New Years supplies). I will be using the hats that match for my other sons party later in the year. The skittles were bought with a coupon for pennies and so were the fruit roll ups. This is such a cute idea and far from the $3 a bag I spent last year. This includes the ribbon and bag.

The third picture is a shot of the Tee that I got for $2 at the Disney Store. This was a STEAL and why I am telling you that when you plan in Jan for the upcoming year's parties, your eyes can narrow in on great opportunities! I would have walked right by this tee if we had not planned these parties ahead of time.

I have some fun invite ideas I did last week for the parties. I will do a follow up post on them and some cupcake toppers done for pennies. Happy Planning and Saving!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Train Up Tuesday: Yes, You CAN! (part 4 of Homeschooling series)

Since the start of my homeschooling adventure (which has only been about a year), I have received many unworthy compliments, and heard comments, such as: "You must be soooo patient," "I wish I was organized enough to do it," "I just don't think I'm smart enough to do it," "I know I can't give my kids what they'll need."

If you are considering homeschooling, perhaps you've had those same thoughts and if you are a homeschooling mom, no doubt, you've heard it too. Well, allow me to encourage you, if you feel that this is what God wants you to do, you CAN do it! Not by your own power, will, knowledge and wisdom, but because God equips us to do anything He commands us to do. :) THAT'S encouraging!

Remember in Deuteronomy 6, the list of commands that God gave to the people? He also commanded the parents to teach these things to their children. Those were some pretty big commands! Now, if He can equip us to teach things of such great Spiritual nature to our children for their souls' sakes, don't you think He won't be slack in enabling you to teach your children in the way of academia and life learning?

Guess what? You know the presupposition you have of these "moms" that do it....that they are so organized, patient, and wise? Well, maybe some of them really are, but it is GOD who gave them that skill or brought them through a journey to perfect that in them. Most of them, however, will most likely tell you they are none of these things and don't know how they do it, either (except by God's grace and power).

Perhaps He's longing to perfect you by allowing you to teach your children. I'm convinced that we so despise suffering and trials because of the inconvenience and how it does not add to today's mentality of "pursuing happiness." Yet, in all the avoidance of these opportunities, we are really missing the blessing of becoming more like Christ. We are imperfect, and God longs to chip away at our imperfections to make us more like His Son. We all say we want to be more like Christ until those opportunities come. Wouldn't you love for God to make you the parent you could be for His glory? Wouldn't you love to develop a trusting relationship with your child having you as teacher?

You won't always be perfect at it. You won't always think you can do it, and on your own, you are right, you won't be able to. But if God is speaking this to your heart, the idea of homeschooling, don't hide in fear or dismiss only because of what you think know about yourself and your limitations.

And as for what your child needs, I know most of us love to quote from Psalm 139, especially at the birth of a newborn babe. The awesomeness of a God that formed us and knew us before we were "known"! BUT, have you ever thought about the fact that God also knew who He was giving those children to? He matched up parents with their children because He knows what we each need! He knows your strengths/weaknesses as well as those of your children, and He knows who each can compliment and challenge the other. I believe it! So, don't dismiss your role, responsibility, or abilities. He put you in the right place....your children's place...for a purpose.

I hope that encourages you today!

Much love,

P.S. AFTER I had already had this entry scheduled for posting, a friend and I had a beautiful conversation on Monday with other women considering homeschooling. I have to quote her!:

"It's amazing how Satan deceives us moms into thinking we are ill equipped. Lies are his only tool, for even he knows the victorious power we possess! Today was about exposing that deception and bringing to the forefront the beauty and ability women have to be moms to their children!"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Marvelous Monday: Holy Week and the Easter (Egg) Story

For many Christians, this week, the week before Easter, symbolizes "Holy Week" or "Passion Week"-- the last week of Jesus' life including his crucifixion and resurrection. The week began yesterday, Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem to cheering crowds and ends on Easter Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection and that He is ALIVE! I encourage you join Finding Hope here on Facebook as they share thoughts and scriptures each day this week on Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection and how is the foundation for our HOPE.

Many of you have probaby heard of Resurrection Eggs. We mentioned them in this post two years ago and you can buy them here for 16.99. Good news is you don't have to spend 16.99! I was so excited when my three year old daughter who is now old enough to understand and appreciate them came home from preschool with her very own set that she made in class! I love her preschool.

You can make them with your kids too. It really is a great way to impress the Easter story from Matthew 26-27 into their hearts and minds.

All you need is an old egg carton, 12 plastic colored eggs and the items below to go inside each egg. If you really want to go all out, see how this mom implemented it as a full on activity (I think for homeschool).
Here is a print out that coincides with each egg.

Have a Marvelous Monday!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Safeguard your Spouse Sunday: Enjoying Intimacy Part 2

This guest post from Natalie is a follow-up to Part 1 published here and orignally posted on Passionate Homemaking.

You ladies surprised me! I was overwhelmed by the number of comments on my previous post from women who feel they have stronger sexual drives than their husbands. I am sincerely sorry many of you seem to feel alone! Here’s my follow-up, for all you “high-drive” ladies!

I totally agree with many of you, that it’s pretty uncommon to hear about wives who have a stronger drive than their husbands, or who feel sexually unfulfilled. It’s a shame you feel good teachers and books are silent on this topic. It’s a reality, and there’s nothing wrong with speaking frankly about it.

I’d also like to say, without a lot of detail, that I have walked in those shoes, some. I can relate to that situation, although there are many nuances that make each marital relationship so very different from another. I hope that qualifies me enough to write on this!

Desire Factories: Manufactured for God!
Ladies, we’re all desire factories of some sort. Some of us have high emotional needs. Some of us are intellectual, aka brainy. Some prefer hugs. Some love sex! Most of us are a blend of all of them.

No matter what kind of “desire factory” each of us is, we all have the same basic desire: connection. Intimacy. Hear me now: intimacy can be manifested in many different ways, but whether emotional, sexual, physical, or mental, it’s all about connection.

The problem is we’ve all been fooled about who we’re manufacturing for. So many of us look to our husbands, or boyfriends, or whoever. Those desires belong first to God. The ultimate, highest, purest desire produced in you is meant for God. You were made to be fulfilled in him. First. Exclusively.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all your works. (Psalm 73)

Is it wrong to want closeness with your husband, emotional or physical? It depends. Do you need it from him? Do you demand it from him? Do you sometimes feel ashamed because you can hardly do without it?

I hope not. Because frankly ladies, he’s not built to give you perfect connection and intimacy. GOD IS.

God wants your thoughts consumed with him through the day, and as you lay your head down at night. (“There’s nothing on earth I desire besides you God…”)

He wants you looking through (not past or over) your physical and emotional desires, to see your deep soul need to be reconnected to Him. (”My flesh and heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and portion forever.")

He wants you obsessed with the perpetual gift he gives you in Jesus, the perfect stand-in to close the intimacy gap between you and Him. You created that gap, and he closes it. (“I have made the Lord God my refuge…”)

He wants you to keep making desires, and send them straight up to him. He won’t miss one. Neither will you.

Don’t Be A Drip
If your husband is being forced to field desire after desire from you (which were meant first for God) he has three options:

1. Check out. He knows he can’t do it. So he won’t even try.
2. Try, and resent you. He will grow angry with you for the excessive burdens you place on him.
3. Love you by correcting you and making sure his desires are first met in God.

No matter what he does, you won’t be happy with any of those choices will you? If you direct all your desires toward your husband, you basically want him to be perfect…like God!

He won’t be happy…and you won’t be happy. Your only course of action toward an “underperforming” husband is to tell him so….over and over, till it changes. A wife could nag about anything…even sex!

Poor guy! Don’t be like the lady in this verse: “A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike.” (Prov. 27:15) What a drip!

God’s Not a Vending Machine
So maybe you’re thinking, as I sometimes do, “Maybe if I grow that close to God, my marriage will be more satisfying.”

Here’s what I tell myself: “No, No, NO!” That’s all wrong.

Perhaps as you become a freer, happier, more peaceful and contented person, it will bring good things to bear on your marriage.

Maybe not. The question is, will God still and always be “the strength of your heart and your portion forever?” Will you trust that whatever your marriage situation, you can rest and be satisfied with whatever comes from his hand? Is Jesus Christ a symbol and signpost to you of God’s good plan for you in every area of your life?

He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32)

Can you even trust him with your sexual satisfaction, at least the part beyond your control? It’s in his hands, and he “graciously gives us all things!” Whatever you have, it’s good, because it’s from God.

Let’s Get Practical
I’m going to refrain from any practical tips here, because there could be so many different circumstances. I thought it most important here to address the posture of our hearts, and trust that God will help each lady personally “flesh” it out. (NO pun intended!)

That said, ladies...once we’ve explored and submitted our hearts to God, there’s always more we can learn and do to improve, as long as we’re not striving after an idol of sorts. So don’t obsess about having a perfect sex life, but by all means, let’s discuss/comment and help each other out.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

SAHS: Savory Smackerel(s)~Easter Treats

As you can tell from Caroline's post yesterday, the woman of the Roof have been busy making some savory Easter treats!

You'd be missing out if we didn't also share Catherine (aka Musing Foodie's) latest Easter creation here~these presh Bunny cupcakes!

If you made our lil bunny foo foo vases posted here, you may have some peeps left over. A friend, Denise sent the cutest idea to share with you. Check out these bunny pops! You can learn how to make them here.

How cuuuuute would your Easter desert table be with these three creations? You're HeHasRisen! Easter celebrations would be the hit of the town~especially for your kids!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Edible Spring Nests

The weather is gorgeous today and I have been wanting to make my family and teachers a treat that is a reminder of the birth of new life all around.

I made chocolate haystacks with Cadbury Mini Eggs in the middle to look like a nest. These are so easy to make and would be a lovely treat for someone you love.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Total time: About 1 hour (including time in fridge)
Makes: 22 Spring Nests

What you need:

1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chunks or chips
1 cup of butterscotch chips (could use semi-sweet if you don't like butterscotch)
2 cups chow mein noodles (in the Asian section of Target/Walmart or your local grocery store)
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup peanuts (I omitted these and added a bit more chow mein noodles instead)
Wax Paper


Microwave the semi-sweet and butterscotch chips in a microwavable bowl about 45 seconds and then stir. Microwave for another 15 sections and stir again. The chips should be melted. If not place back in microwave for approximately 10 additional seconds. Add your remaining ingredients and stir until evenly coated.

Drop by spoonfuls onto a large piece of wax paper. Press slightly in the middle and add 2-3 mini eggs. Refrigerate for approximately 1 hour or until firm. Store in covered container in fridge until ready to serve or gift.

**You could also use jelly beans instead of the mini eggs and would look great on a display of green colored coconut or Easter basket grass.**

Blessings abundant, Caroline

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thrifty Thursday: Free Baby Carrier

Some of you may have gotten in on the free nursing cover deal we posted here. If you are expecting, have your own munchkins to carry around or need a baby gift, there is a similar deal for a FREE baby carrier!

To get in on this offer, go here, add the carrier of choice to your cart, enter the promo code FAMILY2011 and all you will need to do is pay shipping. Note: you will save additional $$$ if you remove the "size exchange insurance fee."

This is for a limited time and there are limited quantities so you may want to hurry and take advantage of this $48 value special offer!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Train Up Tuesday: "My Father's World" (part 3 of Homeschooling series)

I've enjoyed encouraging you moms who are considering homeschooling your children. If you're new to the "series", be sure to go back and check the last 2 weeks of posts. ;-)

This week, I just want to share with you the curriculum that God brought into our lives. We found ourselves gravitating towards the Charlotte Mason approach to learning (see last week's post to find out where you can learn more about different approaches). I needed something already well prepared for me; we wanted something that incorporated real "living" books (not just textbooks); we wanted something that focused on nature and God's world and involved hands-on learning. Those were just a few things we had in mind for our family. Through a mention in Cathy Duffy's book and the referral of some other great ladies, we found "My Father's World" (or rather the curriculum found us).

acting out a favorite chapter from a "real" book

Though we're not quite finished with the K-5 curriculum, I'm already excited about next year (first grade). This year has been all about exploring God's creation as we work through the alphabet together. Each week has it's own theme. For example, "S-s-Sun" for a week, but also a deeper spiritual lesson ("Christ is the Light of the world"). From there, science, math, art, reading all stem from the basic unit of studying the week's theme.

making "creatures" for our "Creation week" study

It is easily laid out, and easy to follow. The week's units are complete and full of great ideas on it's own. However, you can always add or switch up activities based on your child's interest. In fact, there are forums on the site for each lesson with parents offering ideas (activities and books to read) based on their own teaching experiences.

having fun with a HUGE magnifying glass

Not only have my boys enjoyed their "classtime" and other learning times exploring God's world, but "My Father's World" has helped my husband and I gain a fresh perspective on life, not just letting it "happen" or pass by without thoughtful reflection even on the simple things. It really has been a breath of fresh air for my family.

I hope that whatever curriculum you choose for your family, the learning brings you all closer to Christ and reflecting on His wonder. After all, isn't that what we all are supposed to be learning?

studying rocks and volcanoes

Next week, encouragement for moms considering homeschooling....or considering pulling out of it. ;-)

Much love,

Monday, April 11, 2011

Marvelous Monday: Not just any birthday...or cake!

This Monday is Marvelous because it is someone VERY special's birthday...not just any MOM's birthday. To me, my mom is the picture of wisdom, beauty and grace...well, really a LOT of adjectives...but any adjective I could use to describe her is an overflow of her sweet, intimate relationship with Jesus. In fact, she recently spoke to a crowd of woman and mentioned that she wants her "lifesong" to be a song to Him. Mom, it already is. Your life is a "fragrant aroma" to so many and especially to me.

Speaking of aromas, my mom has had one lifelong fav birthday cake. Dewey's Bakery Pink Lemonade.
This would be the fourth year that my sister and I have tried to re-create this party in your mouth as a special birthday treat for my mom. Candid Camera could have made boooookoooooos of $$$$$$$ if they had the camera rolling in the kitchen during our previous attempts...the arguments, the tears,the messy result, and best of all, our family's patronizing oooohhhhs and aaaaahhhhhs pretending they loved what we knew was a miserably failed attempt. Simply ha-larious.

Not this year! CC (aka Musing Foodie) stepped in on a replicatin' mission. Between our combined efforts and the needed confidence her moral support gave these two pink lemonade challenged sisters, we have had Victory in Cakeland!!!!! Our family gave SINCERE oooohs and ahhhhs and even went back for more (the true test) and then more again the next meal!!!! We did it. We finally did it. How I wish you could taste.

It's official. We have a secret family recipe. Alway's wanted one of those. Now, if I can just keep it secret.

So....on this marvelous Monday, be free. Feel the freedom to wish my Mom a Happy Birthday, start your own family recipe or, by all means, do tell us the name of your fav dish for which you already have your very own secret familyrecipe!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

SAHS: Savory Smackerel~Secret Recipe Brownie Cookie Bars

Today's Stay at Home Saturday is brought to you by a sweeeeet, infectious, cutie patootie named Katherine residing in Blacksburg, VA (Go Hokies!). I actually babysat Katherine from the time she was a itty bitty baby and I was the ripe age of 4th grade until her family left for the mission field and I was a freshman in high school. She gave me gooood practice to be a mommy especially since I had the honor of being the first person to put her beautiful dark ringlets in pigtails. Katherine just recently become a mother herself to a sweet baby girl so we welcome her to the wonderful world of motherhood! I think you'll love Katherine's wit and humor as much as you'll love what she shares and we hope she'll be doing more of that. So, since it's Spring and you'll no doubt be heading to some grilling out gatherings, you can thank Katherine for a dessert that'll be the hit of the town!

A friend brought us dinner and included the most amazing dessert we had ever eaten - this pan of dessert bars with a brownie base and cookie dough on top. I mean, seriously - it was delicious. Why had we never thought about baking these two together? What could be more logical than brownie and cookie? Bacon and eggs ... peanut butter and jelly ... brownie and cookie. It made sense.

We raved about it. We dreamed about it, talked about it, laughed at our reaction, and sat down to eat more of it. We ate it for snack, appetizer, dessert, second-dessert, and to finish off the meal. It lasted all of 36 hours in the house - well, I think we should subtract the 14 hours that were spent outside of the house or sleeping. So, 22 hours of this awesome brownie-cookie bar later, we began lamenting the fact that it was over - OVER! - until the next time we should be lucky enough to receive such a delightful dessert from my thoughtful friend.

Almost weeping at the fact that the brownie-cookie bars were gone, I sent a message to my friend asking for her recipe. Two days later, she saw me at church and slipped me this in between Amazing Grace and the Doxology:

Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!

Shhhhhh. Don't give away the secret recipe, now that I've shared it with you, OK? Or, if you do spread the love, make sure that you give me a cut (literally. I require 50% of the pan).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Free-for-all Friday: Local Area Easter Activities!

Ladies, ladies, ladies,

Spring is here and Easter is quickly approaching! We want you to be able to get out and do some fun things with your families. We love our readers from all over the country and your local areas have so much to offer for one of our fav seasons and holidays.

So, we have taken some of our viewer areas and are letting you know a few things that are "out there" so you can join in the fun. Don't delay! Gather your munchkins and hop to it (pun intended). :) Keep in mind these may not be complete lists and please remember to check with your local churches for Easter concerts, plays, and services.

First, check out Taste of Home's guide to our nation's best Easter Egg Hunts here. I can attest that the White Houses' Easter Egg Roll is one of my all time fav childhood memories!

If you can't make it to an event on that list, click below on the area closest to you for more fun. If we're missing your area or fav activity, by all means, give us a HOLLA and let us know so moms near you (and their families) can benefit. We'd especially love to hear how you churches are celebrating!

Charlotte, NC area
Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC
Wilmington, NC (here and here)
Cleveland, TN area
Memphis, TN area
Charleston, SC
Metro Atlanta, GA area, North Georgia and Augusta
Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia
Dallas, TX Metroplex area
North Florida
Denver, CO
Minneapolis/St. Paul
San Francisco Bay Area
Washington State (here and here)

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thrifty Thursday: More Homemade Cleaning

Last Thursday, you received a plethora of homemade cleaning recipes to cut the cost, chemicals and grime all in one. You can find that great resource here.

I wanted to mention one additional recipe that you may find handy in a pinch.

I recently overestimated my stockpile of dishwashing detergent and HAD to run my dishwasher but there was no way I was going to be able to go to the store w/in the next few hours (remember: I have a 3 year old and 1 year old twins so such outings require some planning)

I decided to see if I could find a homemade concoction without suds pouring out of my dishwasher and filling my kitchen (been there done that by using dishwashing liquid). I found a great recipe here! It worked like a charm. I wouldn't recommend for serious pot and pan grime but for your run of the mill dishwasher load, it is great! Give it a whirl.

Dishwashing Detergent Substitute

  • 1/4 teaspoon liquid dish detergent (I use Dawn)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water
  • Pour into the 2 detergent cups in the dishwasher.

Also, Amy A. shared one of her fav cost and time saving tips. She said:

Our house is currently on the market so I'm often having to run through the house on an hour's notice, cleaning and straightening up. In a spray bottle I keep:
  • 1 c. water
  • 1 c. rubbing alcohol
  • 2 Tbsp. white vinegar.
I like it because I can spray counters, mirrors, faucets, toilet seats, etc. with it without having to switch cleaners.

Check out one of her favorite cleaning resources here.

Happy Thursday, ya'll. We'd love to hear how you're making it a thrifty one. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Train Up Tuesday: So You Think You Want to Homeschool (Series...Part 2)

Last week, I talked about the 2 basic things to "go to" when making a decision...especially one regarding homeschooling. Remember, I mentioned that we prayed, asking God to guide us to the resources we should review, considering that I didn't have a lot of time to research a million things and I had no idea where to begin.

God answered our prayer for this resource by way of a referral from a couple of friends. They both mentioned the book Cathy Duffy's "Top 100 Picks for Homeschool Curriculum". I seriously should own this book, as often as I've referred to it when talking to friends lately. However, I actually just borrowed it from the library. What a resource! It takes the "overwhelming" feeling out of you and replaces it with a better handle on what you need.

It's more than a rundown on some lady's favorite picks, although that may be enough for some people. No, it starts off by asking you as parents to come up with your education philosophy. What are your goals for educating your children. She has a chart of questions to get you thinking about these things and shows you how to see what is the most weighty in your decision making.

She also considers your child's learning style and offers recommended learning "approaches" for the learning style. After you put this together with your family's philosophy, you can then start browsing through her "Top Picks". She matches up your preferences, the child's learning style, the appropriate "approach" (Classical, Traditional, Charlotte Mason, etc.) while also considering other issues that may be important to you. (Like for much prep time is involved?) From there, you can see a good match among a few choices, rather than a storehouse of thousands of suggestions! You can get her review of the curriculum and an idea of their suitability.

I STRONGLY recommend checking out her link and the book. You will be amazed at the burden it helps to lift from your shoulders :) Even if you don't go with her "Top Picks" (we actually went with one of her suggestions that didn't make the top 100), the book still equips you with knowledge and know-how in making an appropriate decision for your family.

Hope it helps you as much as it did my family!

Come back next week! We'll talk about the curriculum I've fallen in love with :)


Monday, April 4, 2011

Marvelous Monday: DIY Easter Wreaths

Remember the heart tissue paper wreath here and the cupcake wreath here? You may get a goooood chuckle but I gave it a whirl Easter style. I'm not totally hit in the head with it but here goes nothing....
Now, my friend, Clyda got creative w/ some foamy Easter eggs and tissue paper. Same principle...cardboard backing, hot glue...go wild. She's sending me a clearer picture but here you go in the meantime. Also, I happened to see these foam eggs at the Dollar Tree yesterday.
Her little girl got bored gluing so she filled in the holes with tissue. Good ole tissue paper! Always works in a pinch. Kinda like duct tape. :)

Here's another idea if you're feeling kinda funky. I got this cheap wreath in the $1 section at Target just to give an Easter-y touch to my daughter's bedroom door.

 A couple days later, lo and behold, I ran across this blog where they implemented the exact same wreath along with a picture frame and wooden letter for an even grander creation. It looks pretty easy!
What Easter or Spring creations are decorating your doors?!?! Do tell. Happy Monday. Have a MARVELOUS one!