
Saturday, September 26, 2009

TNT Tip: Not Going Organic? Try the Next Best Thing

I have tried to go organic, really I have. I went for several months buying only organic milk and talked with my pediatrician about the pros and cons of organic baby food. However, after trying to buy organic for several months I decided it wasn't for me. There are several reasons for this but the main one is cost. My husband and I have taken control of our finances (with a lot of help from Dave Ramsey) and I have decided that organic foods are simply not in our grocery budget at this time. (I know that this is an important issue to some, and I appreciate that. This tip is not an attempt to refute the virtues of organic food, but to offer an alternative.)

I shop faithfully at Aldi. I love their produce and it is far cheaper than my mainstream grocery store. However, I realize that their produce comes with waxes, pesticides, etc. so I have started using a neat product called Environne Fruit and Vegetable Wash. This non-toxic product washes off the outsides of fruits and vegetables that have wax, pesticides and oils on them. It is quick and easy to use. You can apply it directly to foods like apples and peppers, or you can clean large amounts of produce like lettuce and grapes by swishing them in a big bowl with water and a squirt of the wash. I bought mine at Trader Joe's. However, if you don't have a Trader Joe's, you can order from the Environne website or

Like me, you may not be able (or willing) to go organic in your kitchen. However, this is a small step I can take to eliminate harmful residues on our food, and that makes me just a little happier at my dinner table.



Aundrea-aka Zerbert Baby said...
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Aundrea-aka Zerbert Baby said...

Let me try again. Thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

So resourceful, AA. I'm glad to know about this stuff.

I also like Trader Joe's's not technically organice but it doesn't have that "r" whatever stuff or the hormones and such...yet it doesn't cost $5-6 a gallon. I think it's like 3 something which is comprable to regular milk at the grocery store.

Unknown said...

So resourceful, AA. I'm glad to know about this stuff.

I also like Trader Joe's's not technically organice but it doesn't have that "r" whatever stuff or the hormones and such...yet it doesn't cost $5-6 a gallon. I think it's like 3 something which is comprable to regular milk at the grocery store.