
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Light a Match!


Your busy aren't you. The day drags on and you are exhausted at the end. Your husband walks in the door and you want to unload on Him because you want somebody to know all you did today. What have you have been doing all day? Does it feel like you ran in circles and ended up in the same place? Another day of cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, shuttling kids to and from school, activities, play dates, etc. Does any of this really matter! I would like to say yes, but you will have to light a match to it and see what happens.

In my recent study of scripture I found one of the most pivotal verses on how I should be spending my time. 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 (for those who want more read the context around the verse)
each one must be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than what is being laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each builder’s work will be plainly seen, for the Day will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what kind of work each has done. If what someone has built survives, he will receive a reward. If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

It appears that what we do will be tested by fire. If our actions are left standing they will be found worthy of reward, but if they burn they will be counted as worthless deeds and wasted time. The Lord has shown me that the deed is not what is in question, it is my heart's motive that will be judged. If I wash the laundry and match the socks with a grumbling and negative spirit it won't count. BUT if I chose to have a heart of love for my family and joy that I can provide clean clothes for them the Lord will see this with favor. It really is simple but as women we tend to complicate even the simplest task!

If we apply this to marriage we all could relate to a need to test our "heart motive". Are we encouraging and building up our husbands to get something from them or out of a true honor and love for them? Are we caring for our house out of love and devotion to the man we share the roof with or are we bitter housewives angry that we have been given the menial task of the house? Women are the best manipulators I know, we have a lot of power with our words and actions in the home. I challenge you to test your heart's motive before you speak or do anything in your marriage.

The best part of this verse is a simple statement about the foundation...Jesus Christ. We will stay standing as long as we have chosen Jesus as our foundation(savior). What is past is impossible to change but what is present and future are yours to participate in if you want to make an eternal impact. Test your choices, test your heart's motive by lighting a match and seeing if it burns.


Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today's TNT Tip is brought to us by our friend, Amy A. Thank you, Amy!

Does it drive you CRAZY when you open up your dishwasher, only to find that your plastic cups have flipped up during the wash cycle and are filled with dishwater and tiny crumb particles? If so, try this trick: take a rubber band and secure the cup against one of the tines (the plastic things that stick up and separate cups and dishes). Your cups will stay upside down and be nice and dry when the cycle is over!

Love, Amy

Savory Smackerel(s)
Quiche anyone? In my family we love quiche, in particular, spinach quiche. I found this recipe in a Gooseberry Patch Christmas cookbook last year and have been making this dish ever since. I also have been known to freeze them and they are still tasty.

Farm-Fresh Spinach Quiche

8 slices bacon, crisply cooked, crumbled and divided (rather than cook the bacon I have also used the real bacon that is already crumbled in a bag. I found it in the salad dressing isle.)
9-inch pie crust
2 C. shredded Monterey Jack cheese (I use whatever is in my fridge.)
10 oz. pkg. fozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained (I tend to use my fresh spinach from the garden and chop it. I have even food proccessed it.)
1 1/2 C. milk
3 eggs, beaten
1 T. all-purpose flour

Sprinkle half of bacon on bottom of pie crust. Mix chesse, spinach, milk, eggs, and flour together. Pour over crust. Sprinkle remaining crumbled bacon on top. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until center is set. Makes 8 servings.

One quiche feeds my two young boys (6 and 3), hubby, and myself. I serve it along with really crusty bread.

Love, Aundrea

Dessert time!
I received this dessert idea from a Betty Crocker email today. How cute and fun are these for a summer dessert~Brownie Pops?!?!

1 box (1 lb 6.5 oz) Betty Crocker® Original Supreme brownie mix (with chocolate syrup pouch)
Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on brownie mix box
24 craft sticks (flat wooden sticks with round ends)
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (6 oz)
2 teaspoons shortening
Assorted Betty Crocker® Decorating Decors candy sprinkles

1. Heat oven to 350°F. Line 13x9-inch pan with foil so foil extends about 2 inches over sides of pan. Spray foil with cooking spray. Make and bake brownie mix as directed on box for 13x9-inch pan, using water, oil and eggs. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
2. Place brownies in freezer for 30 minutes. Remove brownies from pan by lifting foil; peel foil from sides of brownies. Cut brownies into 24 rectangular bars, 6 rows lengthwise and 4 rows across, each about 1 1/2 by 3 1/4 inches. Gently insert craft stick into end of each bar, peeling foil from bars. Place on cookie sheet; freeze 30 minutes.
3. In small microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips and shortening uncovered on High about 1 minute; stir until smooth. If necessary, microwave additional 5 seconds at a time. Dip top 1/3 to 1/2 of each brownie into chocolate; sprinkle with candy sprinkles. Lay flat on waxed paper or foil to dry.
High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): Follow High Altitude directions on brownie mix box for 13x9-inch pan.

Special tips from Betty:
-Find candy sprinkles at craft stores or wherever cake-decorating supplies are sold.
-For more contrast, use white vanilla baking chips instead of the chocolate chips. Or melt dark and white chocolate for variety.

Enjoy! Love, Hannah

Mommy Marketing Moment

Please don't forget to send us your suggestions of Christian momprenuers. We want to support them! Our reader, Ashlie M. , is working with a great one that you'll be excited to see featured next week. Stay tuned!

Happy Saturday, RWAVers!

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Life is a Sandcastle! My daughter drew your name from the big pile of entries. (I typed up each entrant's name per her number of entries. I then cut them out, made a pile, and mixed them up. Then my little girl drew the winner!) Sandcastle, I sent you an e-mail so I can get your mailing address. Please let me know if you didn't get it. Congrats!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Miscarriage: One Week Later

Our new double stroller came today.

It is one of those fancy ones, one that is way over priced, one that was such a good deal Tanna (my husband) said I could order it last week.

That was two days before we knew. Two days before we found out our baby's heartbeat had stopped. Two days before my D&C.

It is here, still in the box (of course), and sitting by the door so Tanna can return it to Costco ASAP.

I am supposed to be excited about that stroller. I am supposed to be 11 weeks pregnant.

11 weeks and five days, to be exact. Or, if you want to go by my second pregnancy (which also ended early) ... then I am supposed to be 33 weeks, six days.

Anyone who has ever had a miscarriage knows how important those days are. Each and every one of them.

After my last BFP--which came less than five months after my first miscarriage--I practically could not wait for midnight to pass so I could add another day that I'd made it. Another day in pregnancy. Another day closer to the "safe" second trimester. Another day with no spotting.

In all of the 10 weeks and five days of this pregnancy, I never saw the slightest tinge of pink. Even though, in the beginning, I was a bit nervous every time I went to the bathroom--something you grow accustomed to when you are pregnant again after a loss. I almost expected some spotting. But nothing.

I had some cramping early on, which was concerning, to say the least. But a very strong heartbeat--seen April 28 via ultrasound at seven weeks, two days--gave us confidence that this pregnancy would stick. As my MD said last week, "When you see that heartbeat, you kind of let your guard down a little bit."

Never again.

It has been a rough week, but we got through it.

Last Friday, I went in for a doctor's appointment and ultrasound to check a cyst on my left ovary. The doctor came in, apologized for my wait, and we chatted a bit about prenatal vitamins and how the pregnancy was progressing.

After the nurse came in, we started the ultrasound.

I will never forget the few seconds of silence and then, "Karen, I don't see a heartbeat."

I had been staring at the patient screen, hoping the doctor was looking at my ovary and not our baby, which showed no activity.

I was wrong, though, and I knew it.

"I don't either."

The nurse was so sweet. She immediately handed me some tissues and offered condolences. My doctor was very understanding and sympathetic as well.

A few hours later, I saw him again at the hospital as I was being prepped for the D&C. The procedure was quick, and I was glad to get it over with. I am a big fan of anesthesia, and I highly recommend it.

I cried when they wheeled me away to the OR--not really because I was scared (or maybe I was), but more so because Tanna couldn't come with me.

I remember thinking, "How on earth do fat people fit on these operating tables?" (Those things are SKINNY!) Seriously.

The nurses and hospital staff were great. One nurse said I looked like Jennifer Garner. This is after she said I reminded her of someone and I (jokingly) said, "A celebrity?" (I think in her sympathy for me, she probably thought of any celeb she could that had brown hair about like mine. hahaha) I remember trying to be funny a couple of other times ... perhaps so I wouldn't break down in front of everyone.

I was so worried about being cold. (You know how I am--I am cold when it is 71 degrees.) I had brought my own socks, but they give you some thick slippery socks to wear. I had Tanna grab me some extra warmed blankets in the prep area. The nurses also offered me plenty of blankets, and I was thankful.

In the OR, they had me stretch my arms out to the side on these tables they pulled up next to the skinny table I was on. The next day, I remember my arms and shoulders being so sore, and Tanna said it was probably because they had been stretched out during the procedure.

I am glad I had a D&C and didn't take the drugs my doctor offered to help induce a "natural" miscarriage. He said going the natural route would probably be painful, and he recommended the D&C because of how far along I was and to avoid the pain. Truthfully, I was glad to get it over with. I did not want to be waiting around to have a miscarriage. I have heard of women who have done so and then later had complications, only to have to have a D&C later. It is a personal decision, but the D&C was the best one for me.

On Saturday, I bagged up most of my maternity clothes. I just couldn't stand looking at them in the closet anymore. They have been sitting in there, just taking up space, for almost two years now. We don't have a lot of storage space, and I needed them out of here. (I did keep a few things that were special to me, though.)

On Monday, I dropped off the clothes at Goodwill and also returned some of the cutest layette things I'd bought at Janie & Jack. I did the same thing yesterday at Gymboree. Fortunately for me, no one asked the reason for my returns. I had tried to resist buying anything for this baby out of fear this would happen, but ... well ... I let my guard down. I also told myself that I could always give these clothes as baby gifts (they sure were cute, after all)--but I just didn't want to do that. So I returned. And now we have this cool double stroller to return, too.

As I said, it has been a rough week--and we have lost a lot--but I am thankful because:
  • I have a God in heaven who loves me, loves my family, loves the two babies we have lost and the one here with us on earth.
  • I have an amazing husband who has taken good care of us this week--despite having to work Memorial Day weekend and despite grieving this loss himself. (Don't forget the fathers who mourn the losses of their miscarried babies.)
  • I have a beautiful little girl who is the light of our lives.
  • I have wonderful family and friends. We are so thankful for all of the prayers, cards, notes, flowers and other gifts that have been sent to show that you care and are thinking of us. You don't know how much you all mean to us, and we are so grateful.
  • I switched OB practices early on in this pregnancy. I now see a great doctor who does his own ultrasounds. I cannot imagine going through this at my old practice. I cannot imagine--as I have read about several times--an ultrasound tech discovering no heartbeat and then waiting for a doctor to come in and confirm. I am thankful for this new practice for many reasons--including free parking--but the ultrasound thing is a big one right now.
  • I made it through this week, and I am glad it is over. Though I will never forget.

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."--Psalm 34:18

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Birthday Cakes: A Tip for You!

Here's a little tip for you. If you are ordering your child's birthday cake from a source other than, say, family ... it is probably a good idea to arrange for pickup or delivery the day before the party. That way, if there is a problem, there is still time to correct it (hopefully).

Case in point--this is what my sister and I were presented with when we went to pick up my daughter's birthday cakes last year:

That is supposed to be a pink, flower-shaped, pull-apart cupcake cake. Oh yeah ... small detail ... it's supposed to read, "Happy 1st Birthday, Kate!" I ordered two of these.

Fortunately, I had remembered this tip that my sister shared with me. Plus, I've been around for so many birthday parties for my nieces and nephews that I knew to allow for some extra time ... just in case. (One time, one of my sister's BFF's little girls ended up with a Spider-Man cake. The dad had picked it up on the way to the party and hadn't checked it before he left the bakery. LOL! It may not have been so humorous at the time, but it makes a funny story now!)

Anyway, since I'd arranged for pickup the day before the party, the bakery was able to correct the order in time for the big event. I still don't know how the above cake came from the order I put in. It's a really long story, but I placed my order with the manager herself and also took in a printout of examples with very detailed instructions typed out. Well, the printout was nowhere to be found later. Fortunately, I'd saved it in Word, so we were able to get another one to the bakery the night before the party.

The lady who helped us was very nice and apologetic about the whole thing. In the end, the cakes looked and tasted great. But word to the wise ... allow some extra time in case a mistake needs to be fixed.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday In The Word: His Voice

It was two years after our son, Nathan, died that I cancelled his cell phone. I would call it from time to time just to hear his voice. It was a voice familiar to me because I knew it from the day that he was born. I could recognize his voice or the voice of any of my four children immediately even if there were many other voices in a room.

When our first grandchild was born our whole family would hover over her and watch her move her mouth trying to make a sound. She would work so hard and each of us just hoped that we would be the one to hear the first sound or semblance of a word. We all knew that a day would come and indeed has that we would hear much conversation from her mouth but those first sounds were so precious!

I told my own father on one of his birthdays that I loved his voice. His voice always brought me comfort and direction that was appeciated.

All the voices I have mentioned I recognize because they are voices that speak into my life and days. You have your own familiar voices that bring richness to your life.

As a believer in a Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, we are able to understand and recognize His voice.

The Bible says about His Voice in Psalm 29: 3-9

3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.
5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning.
8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert; the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"

From the Rooftop:






Do you know HIS voice? He wants to speak to you.

Spend time with Him today even in your busyness and get to know when He is speaking to you. If you commit your days to Him and ask Him for direction He will speak to you. Listen and you will hear. I promise.

I Love You,


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank-You Gift Idea

It's that time of the year ... time for lots of gifts--wedding, graduation, thank-you, etc. In our family, we have a ton of birthdays in May and June as well, and those presents add up quickly. Even with all of these big gifts in the budget, we still want to give a token of our appreciation to those who have helped us out at the end of the school year (or for whatever reason), and I came up with this little goodie a few years back. It is still working out well for us--at least, no one has said otherwise. LOL!

I found this stamp (at Michaels, I think) that reads "Thanks a latte" and depicts this cute little guy holding a cup o' joe. Well, I like to use this stamp in a card or to make a tag ... and add a Starbucks gift card ... or a nice bag of coffee with a mug ... etc. ... etc. Think of the possibilities!

Several years ago, I used the stamp with Starbucks gift cards as thank-yous for a bunch of folks who helped me move. Last week, I gave my daughter's preschool teachers Starbucks gift cards and the little cards you see in the photo (along with a brief personal note and a few dozen doughnuts). I have used it to help express our appreciation other times over the years as well.

I am always looking for ways to show our gratitude in gift form ... without breaking the bank. Please share your ideas, too!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Free-for-all Friday: Memorial Day

I'll admit that I've known Memorial Day is a patriotic holiday and I've been happy to observe it...largely because it symbolizes a long weekend and the beginning of summer (and pool season!).

Shame on me.

I saw these pictures and the stark reality hit that Memorial Day is SOOOOOO much more...possibly for you.
Some of you have spouses serving our country so we can have the privilege of freedom. Others of you may have even lost your spouses as they served our country in the name of freedom. This weekend, as our country honors your spouses and those that have served, we want to take a minute to honor YOU! I can't imagine...

...saying goodbye to your spouse indefinitely.
...cheerfully holding down the fort alone in their absence.
...celebrating your children's milestones without them.
...hearing all of the political negativity about our soldiers being overseas knowing THAT's what your spouse is wholeheartedly doing.
...being strong for your children when you aren't feeling so strong.
...holidays apart from them.
...the emotional roller coaster.
...not having them there to relieve you when you need a break.
...keeping from being consumed with fear and worry for their safety and well being.
...rounding up your household alone to go to church alone.
...the transition of being the leader of your home in their absence and returning to the submissive, supportive helpmate upon their return.
....being sensitive and attuned to the emotional and physical consequences of what they have encountered during their service.
....the list could go on and on.

You may say, "I'm used to it. I know nothing different." But I say you are also sacrificing for our country and we honor you. God bless you.

Ladies of Roof with a View, please join me in praying for your fellow women in these roles.

If you need some creative ideas to make Memorial Day a special celebration for you family, check out these resources:

Memorial Day Activities for Families
Don't let Memorial Day just be another day on the calendar at your house. Teach your family the true meaning of the day with these patriotic activities for families.

10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day : Fun Things for Families to do Together this Holiday

Feel free to share any special Memorial Day traditions you may have in your own family. Happy Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday In The Word

I was browsing through a popular home catalog and saw this picture:

In case you can't read it, the board says:








Maybe you are thinking this list sounds so positive and fun. I am thinking this list makes me tired beyond belief.

When I read it, it immediately makes me think of all the years that I have strived to be a good wife and mother. You know what I mean...

  • Wake up early
  • Have at least a 30 minute devotional time.
  • Exercise
  • Go to Bible study every week without fail.
  • Make sure the children are polite to everyone.
  • Make sure the house is clean.
  • Do everything just right and don't disappoint anyone or yourself.
  • The list could go on and on.

Somehow, I think we make these things up because we think it will make God happy with us. I've come to believe that God is as puzzled as we become when we try to achieve all of this perfection ~especially in one day.

Guess what? I have some encouragment. All God cares about is your heart and whether it is His.

The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 16:9:

"For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."

Don't get me wrong! Having a time with the Lord, Bible study, etc. are important in the life of the believer but if you do them and your heart is not fixated on Jesus Christ, you will not recieve the life and refreshment that God wants you to have. He wants your heart, the center of your life and nothing less. Your heart is the spring board from which everything else flows.

From the Rooftop:


Don't just go through the motions.

God is supporting you.

He will lift you up.

I am praying for you that you will spend your days in confidence that a Mighty Heavenly Father is supporting you because you have given your heart to Him.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Training Up Tuesday: How NOT to go crazy on a car trip!

When my boys were 3 and 6 months, we took a car trip to visit family and it was a nightmare! An 8 hour trip took 10. There was screaming, throwing, spills, and when we arrived to our destination, I was worn out, had a pain in my neck and I wanted to run away and scream! I didn't have a plan. My boys are now 6 yrs and 3 yrs old. Car trips are still a challenge, but they are much better because we have a PLAN! 

Our family has several big trips this summer. Lots of weddings and visiting family. A few of them are 8 hours or more. I love the dvd player in the car, but I really don't want my kids watching non-stop dvd's the entire time. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but they get cranky after all that tv. My HUSBAND came up with this clever little idea for my boys for the car. It's BRILLIANT! (Man, I really wish I had come up with it.) But, I decorated them. Yep, eh! :)

1. Travel Tubs:
Each of my boys have their very own tub. I drew some of their favorite themes on the tops. I took them to each of their rooms and let them pick a few toys and I put some inexpensive NEW surprises in there too. Yes, that is a PEOPLE magazine of Zack and Cody in Will's box. He loves that show. There are some activity books, a new box of crayons (Crayola $1.14 at Wal-mart), action figures, etc. I didn't let them open their boxes until after they ate their breakfast in the car. The anticipation made it more fun!


Yes, I wrote out a schedule. My sister n law gave me this idea. This helped me SO MUCH on a recent trip. I found my boys asking me..."Mom, what's next on our list?" When I gave them allotted time for an activity, they were much more likely to finish it and not get bored. And, bonus, we didn't have the dvd players on all day. 

3. Honest Kids Juice
I'm a huge fan of these juice drinks. They are 100% natural, and VERY LOW IN SUGAR! They are high in antioxidants and have fruits like pomegranate. These 2 things do not go together: being cooped up in a car and sugar. They do not mix! These handy fruit drinks keep my kids hydrated and we don't spend the extra money on drinks through the drive thru's.

Be safe in your travels this summer! Happy Trails!

Love, Angela

Monday, May 18, 2009

Get Some Hanky Panky!

A few months ago, I received a birthday present in the mail from my sister-in-law. What was inside the packaging surprised me: 2 pretty thongs. First of all, let me say that I have never been a thong person. I tried them here and there--especially during my newlywed days--but they just never were "me". I always felt uncomfortable, unflattering and I felt a little exposed and fat in them! Well, the note accompanying my birthday gift instructed me to give them a try because they were my sister-in-law's favorite panties and she loved getting other girls to try them. Well, I gave them a try and I am now hooked!!

These thongs are made by Hanky Panky and they are one size fits all, so they conform to your body shape. They're not tight, itchy, or make you feel like you can't wait to get them off at night--they're the perfect fit! I've worked out in them, too, and they held up great. They are also very flattering to the figure and, of course, they don't leave the dreaded panty line. Let me also say that these panties make me feel like I am wearing nothing. In fact, my husband went to Nordstrom's last weekend to purchase my Mother's Day gift. He asked the sales associate that his wife likes "these panties that feel like you're wearing nothing". Without hesitating, she took him right to the Hanky Panky table and let him choose the colors he wanted, and by the way, they come in every color imaginable.

This brings me to the point of where you can buy these things. I know that they are sold at Nordstrom for about $18 a pair. My sister-in-law also says they're sold at Nordstrom Rack for about half of that. I even found two pairs on Ebay (brand new with tag, of course!), which were even cheaper! Trust me, once you try a pair, you will want to trade out your entire underwear drawer for some pretty, lacey thongs:)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lord, Are you there?


I was spending time in the Word and digging into Psalm 20. It "happened" to be the current chapter in a devotional I am working through. I have recently been in a struggle over something "good" and feeling frustrated, angry and disappointed. As I have cried out to God He answered through these verses:

Psalm 20
May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble!
May the name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high!
May He send you help from the sanctuary
And support you from Zion!
May He remember all your meal offerings
And find your burnt offering acceptable!
May He grant you your heart's desire
And fulfill all your counsel!
We will sing for joy over your victory,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners
May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.
Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.
Some boast in chariots and some in horses,
But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.
8They have bowed down and fallen,
But we have risen and stood upright.
Save, O LORD;
May the King answer us in the day we call.

God desires to hear our cries and He desires to answer them from His throne on high. The courts are in session and you are invited to kneel before His throne and give over to Him all your plans and desires. He will lean down, take your hand in His and lead you in the path He has set out before you. Instead of feeling defeated, know that in His name we have victory!

As an application I challenge you to rewrite this Psalm in your own words as a prayer to the Lord. This was how I rewrote it...

Psalm 20 rewritten by Annie:
Lord, answer me in this day of trouble!
May your name, God Most High, secure me.
Lord, send help from heaven and support from Zion.
I pray my offering is acceptable to you but I know
nothing compares to the sacrifice you gave for me.
Make your desires mine and fulfill them in your time.
I will wait joyfully for victory,
in your name I will put all confidence.
Hear my prayers and answer please!
I know you have saved me, you will answer me from on high
and your right hand will strengthen me.
I reject man's understanding and strength-
I boast in you and your name alone.
Others bow to man's agenda and fail-
I will rise up and find success in you!
Lord, save and hear me today!

Walking in Victory!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do you get tired of that onion smell on your hands after cutting onions and cooking? Try this.

To remove the strong odor of onions from your hands, hold a stainless steel spoon in your hand while running water and rub your hands as though the spoon were soap.

(courtesy of hints-n-tips)

Mommy Marketing Moment
For today's MMM, we are venturing out of our Motherland and all the way to Africa. That's right! Amani ya Juu (meaning “higher peace” in Swahili) is a sewing-marketing-training project for marginalized women in Africa.

The project serves a two-fold purpose. First, Amani gives African women the opportunity to improve their sewing and marketing skills. The women gain experience in purchasing, bookkeeping, skill training, quality control, management and design. Second, Amani aims to sow seeds of peace in the hearts of the women as they grow in community and in their faith together.

Amani is committed to fair trade, providing a just pay and holistic development, which contrasts dramatically with the unjust conditions these women are confronted with outside of Amani. Amani implements holistic development by meeting the physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs of those who participate. As the women learn practical skills to improve their quality of life, they also experience God’s healing, moving them beyond their traumatic and difficult pasts.

You can shop the Amani store from the comforts of your home by clicking here. Some things you may want to be sure to see are this Safari Set for your own child or as a gift....

This oven glove and spoon set would be great in your kitchen or also as a gift.
If you aren't up to purchasing anything but want to support these special women, please go here. Please also lift this project up in prayer as you think about it. We can be a huge support to them even in our country.

Savory Smackerel
This easy recipe is great for gatherings, crowds, Sunday lunches. It will be a hit with everyone. Word to the wise: not the greatest, though, after frozen.

Hot Chicken Salad (a Paula Deen Recipe)

2 cups cooked chicken breast meat, cubed
1 cup diced celery
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup grated sharp Cheddar
2/3 cup crushed potato chips (I used Potato Sticks and put some slivered almonds on top to make it pretty)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 13 by 9-inch baking dish with vegetable oil cooking spray.
In a large mixing bowl combine the chicken, celery, almonds, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mayonnaise, and cheese. Place the mixture in the prepared baking dish. Spread the crushed potato chips on top. Bake for 20 minutes, or until bubbly.

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thrifty Thursday ~ Coupon Tip

Here's a tip for my fellow couponers:

Question: How does a Buy One Get One (BOGO) coupon work if there is also a BOGO promotion?

Answer: When a store has a BOGO promotion on something such as shampoo you can get both bottles for FREE! Here's how it works: Find a BOGO coupon from the manufacture in the newspaper or on the Web. Bring it in during the promotion. The cashier should charge full price for the first bottle and zero for the second. Your coupon makes the first bottle free. You pay nothing. If the store insists you purchase an item, buy three bottles. You pay for one, get one free form the sale and one free with your coupon.

(Source: All You magazine)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday In The Word: Loving Each Other

"I want to be faithful to Jesus and I want to love people well."

I said this to my husband the other day when we were talking about how the storms that we have walked through the last three years have changed us.

When you lose a child or anyone you love, for that matter, it just changes the way you look at this life. The things that once seemed to be so important and make so much difference, just don't anymore. My priorities have changed.

Bottom line, I have a child in heaven and the reality of being able to see him there one day keeps me focused on heaven. I have come to realize fully that this life on earth is just preparation for heaven. I want to walk the road from here to there well. I am not perfect. I know that it will not be a perfect, beautiful walk. Sometimes my walk will be more like a limp. However, I intend to walk it. I hope that the Lord uses me to bring people to Himself. I hope to be faithful to Jesus and I want to love people well.

We talk a lot about being faithful to Jesus but not very much about loving each other well. Sometimes love is such an illusive word that we throw around. We know it is a good word and surely something we should do. As a believer, the word love should have a fuller meaning because the whole reason that our life is different is because someone loved us so much that they died for us. His Name is Jesus. The first place we must look to see what love means is His life and His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross.

We must let what Jesus did filter down into our days and change the way we love ourselves and those around us. We are not going to find everyone completely lovable and we may have to make some difficult stands. I have found that the love that is in our hearts because Jesus is there can allow us to be motivated by love even when it is difficult.

We are also living in a day when believers in Christ need the support and love of other believers in Christ. The time for being in our own little falsely perfect worlds is over. The scripture says that "iron sharpens iron". Your love expressed in the simplest way to someone else can sharpen them or give them the strength they need to keep taking steps in their own walk. I have lived long enough to have seen the difference a kind word, a meal, a prayer, a flower, a note, a listening ear or you fill in the blank can make.

This scripture comes to mind:
Ephesians 4:32 - 5:2

32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
1Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children
2and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

From the rooftop:
Look to Jesus as the greatest picture of love and follow it.
Be Kind.
Be Compassionate.
You are loved by a heavenly Father that has done all that for you.
Love in such a way that it refreshes someone else's soul .

I am praying that we can all love each other well. It is what Jesus has done to us. He expects nothing less from us.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Training up Tuesday: Fruit of the Spirit

A special thank you to our sistah friend, Tara, for recommending a great book for our children!
9 Fruits Alive, Discover the Fruit of the Spirit by Mindy MacDonald

Tara said she has really enjoyed reading this with her girls. It gives simple, clear examples of each spiritual fruit to help children understand its meaning and application to life. It's also a great counting book and a name-the-fruit book. Click here to purchase a copy.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control..." Galatians 5:22-23

Monday, May 11, 2009

Drama In Target: Mom vs. Wesley

This morning I had a dentist appt. I had to take the boys with me. So, I gave them their gameboys and that worked! They sat like little angels while I was under the LAUGHING GAS (no kidding, bubble gum scented gas...good stuff). I was proud as a peacock walking out of there. All the assistants were saying..."Oh, what great little boys you have". "I didn't even know they were with you, they were so quiet". On and on the compliments went and I was loving it.

Back out at the car, I told the boys..."Mommy is so proud of you, I'm gonna take you to Target to get you both a treat!" They were thrilled.

So, we venture in to search for that very special prize. Looking around at the $1.00 bins, of course. Will picked a slinky. Wesley picked a wind up yellow chick. I should have let things be. They were happy. Content with their prize, but NO, I had to take it a step further.

me - "Why don't we go over to the candy (jelly belly section) and you can each pick 5 pieces of candy to put in your OWN bag!"

boys - again, cheering

me - "Wesley, what 5 pieces of candy do you want?"

Wesley - "I want raspberries". (you know the little black and red gummies with beads on them)

me - "okay, let's count them....1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Yaaaay!"

Wesley - "NOOOOOOOOO! I want ALL OF THEM!" (screaming and starting to cry)

me - "Wesley, (trying to sound sweet because people are watching), remember mommy said, we could get 5, so let's have a happy heart about these okay sweetie?"

At this point I'm going to stop the dialogue because, well, there wasn't any more. Will was happily choosing his 5 pieces...(2 swedish fish, 1 sour gummy worm, 1 regular gummy worm and a gummy bear). Wesley is screaming so loud, I can't hear myself think. His face was blood red and he was MAD. I managed to get him to the check out. He was in FULL BLOWN tantrum mode. It was time to put our things on the belt to be scanned.

I handed the raspberries and the yellow chick to the check out guy and said, "We won't be getting these today." Those words, turned his world UPSIDE DOWN. Wesley just looked at me screaming and I started to get scared of him. ME - I'm the MOM! Afraid of my 3 year old. There was kicking and crying, wailing around on the floor...the whole bit. I had the attention of the photo lab guy, the customer service desk, the Target deli, every other person in the store.

I noticed something. They were all staring at ME.

"What is she gonna DO about THAT?" they wondered.

me - "Dear God, please make me invisible, please make me invisible..."

Call it nerves or the laughing gas, call it whatever you want, but I just started LAUGHING. Out loud. With everyone watching me. Including my tantrum throwing son. And my 6 year old. I kept thinking to myself. "Pull it together! Stop laughing. Get control of yourself, you're the MOM!" None of this worked, but only made me laugh harder. I was mad that I was laughing because I didn't want Wesley to think he was off the hook by ANY MEANS. I was desperately trying to sound firm..."You are in trouble when we get home mister." But he wasn't buying it. Will then looks up at me and says...."mom, I think you did the right thing by not buying him treats. This is embarrassing." And Will's face was all red. He was mortified too. Only he wasn't hysterical like I was.

Kicking and screaming the whole way, I managed to get Wesley in the car. More stares in the parking lot of course.

We pulled in the driveway and I told Wesley to go STRAIGHT to the naughty corner. I made their lunch. Pulled myself together and was able to discipline him out of love.

He is napping now. Night and day difference. He looks like a little angel.

If any gals from my dentist office are reading this, thank you for the compliments this morning. I'm gonna choose to remember THAT moment of the day instead of the latter.

I it safe to give laughing gas to kids??? :)

And just so you know, I love my little Wesley. He's a spit fire sometimes, but I love him to PIECES.

 In Genesis 17:17, it says,  "Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old?" 

I think I can relate to his nervous laughter. That seems to be my mode of coping when I'm in the midst of strife. Laughter really is the best medicine. How long has it been since you've laughed OUT LOUD?  (Instead of just typing it..aka LOL! :) Whatever it takes, get with a funny friend, or rent a funny movie. Laughter is good for your soul. 

Happy Laughing,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Savory Smackerel

Hopefully, you aren't going to have to cook for Mother's Day lunch on Sunday so we are going to feature a baking delight....Banana Bread from What's for Din Din (by the way, check out the new look by none other than Jaime the bomb Beitler)!

1 C Sugar
1/2 C oil
3 ripe bananas
2 Eggs
2 C Flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
3 T milk
Chopped Pecans (optional)

* Beat sugar and oil. Add eggs and bananas. Beat.
* In separate bowl, add sifted flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
* Add flour mixture to wet mixture
* Add vanilla and milk. Beat.
* Pour into bread pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour.

Tip: This bread is delish served with cream cheese on top!


(Brought to us by our reader, Caroline G., who gets FIVE entries to our GIVEAWAY. Thank you, Caroline!)

Caroline says:

I read a tip online about baking banana bread in a 9 x 13 pan. The mommy indicated her kids were much more apt to each it when it looked like brownies (shaped like squares). This week I made some with the W4DD recipe and it came out great...baked at 350 for 30 minutes. I got 24 squares so the portions are smaller (lower in calories). I left some in a container and then put the rest in individual servings in sandwich bags and then in a freezer bag so pull out as desired. I never would have thought to bake it in a 9 x 13 pan before and was thrilled with the results.

Mommy Marketing Moment
We hope to feature this mom more in the future. In the meantime, check out This site has ENDLESS resources for mothers. Also, be sure to check out the site store under "SHOP."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Free-for-all Friday: Honoring our Mothers!

We have two days until Mother's Day and there is no better time to honor our beloved mothers! Rather than a lengthy post, we want today's focus to be on your comments. Here's how...

As aspiring moms, we can learn from our own accomplished moms and role models. In an effort to honor our moms and encourage each other with wisdom on this journey of motherhood, please leave a comment and...

1. Tell us the best advice that your mother has ever given you.


2. The verse from Proverbs 31:10-31 that reminds you most of your mother and why.

You will automatically receive 5 entries to our May Giveaway for sharing with us. There is no limit to how many comments you may leave. As you think of things throughout your day, feel free to come back and share them with us!

We love you, Moms!

P.S. If you are racking your brain for a gift to give your mother this Mother's Day, I gave my mom this Proverbs 31 bracelet (click here), by Deirdre & Company, several years ago for Christmas and she still wears it. Each stone/charm represents a verse from Proverbs 31 and Deirdre, a Christian artist, is a delight to work with.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thrifty Thursday ~ Two Financial Paths

After taking an honest look at your budget are you surprised? Maybe you're living paycheck to paycheck or have a deficit each month. You may feel that you're in a financial crisis. The important thing to remember is that God is still in control. He is not surprised by your financial situation. Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

There are two simple paths to get out of a financial crisis:

First, look for ways to increase your income. The Bible is very clear about hard work. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. ( Ecclesiastes 9:10) I am thankful that my mom taught me the value of work! I had three jobs to put myself through college. Then, the first year of being a stay at home mom, I worked another three jobs. I worked at the YMCA on nights/weekends, we got a paper route, and I did accounting work from home. It was not easy!!! God was faithful to provide the jobs so I did them to the best of my ability. I believe He saw this and blessed our efforts. Since then my husband has been promoted numerous times (also through hard work) and I quit the YMCA. I chose to keep the paper route and accounting job; not out of necessity but in order to save more for our future. We call them our "saving jobs" and God is blessing this too!

Second, look for ways to cut your expenses. Go line by line through your budget or bank statement and see where you can lower or eliminate a bill. Think outside the box! Take your trash to the dump instead of using a service. Downgrade your cell and cable plan. Teach yourself how to use coupons to cut your grocery bill in half! Get quotes for insurance plans. The possibilities are endless--you just have to look for them. Also, be willing to make lifestyle changes. Don't go out to eat or get your nails done if you aren't tithing and have no money in savings. Make the sacrifices now and you'll see the rewards later!

I am praying for you. I pray that the Lord will lead you to a job(s) and that He will give you wisdom on how to cut your expenses. He is faithful!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday In The Word: Running the Race

Calvin Borel's victory in the Kentucky Derby this past Saturday was absolutely stunning. You can watch it here:

Calvin, a committed jockey since the age of 8, wasn't exactly the man that was being expected to win. When you look at his life and the way he won the race, it is inspiring. First, most horses that grace the track at the Derby are flown by plane so they won't be too tired to race. Calvin's horse, Mine That Bird, rode 21 hours in a regular horse trailer hitched to a pickup truck. Second, most horses at the Derby cost in the millions of dollars. Calvin's horse cost $9500.00. Third, Calvin's horse was so far behind in the race that the owners had quit watching the race, certain of a total loss. Calvin surprised everyone when he came up from the very back and moved horse by horse way into the front. Fourth, Calvin had set his sights on winning the Derby from age 8. He endured until he won.

Certainly, this scripture comes to mind:

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12: 1-2

We are running a race as believers. Ultimately, it is a race toward heaven but so often while we run that race we loss our focus. In losing our focus we often run the risk of not being able to cross that finish line.

Shouting from the rooftop:

Your ultimate destination is heaven.

You have to fix your eyes on Jesus.

Jesus will keep you from becoming weary in the race.

Jesus understands when you get weary.

He will hold you up as you run.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, RUN.

Your faith is being perfected as you run.

Perhaps you are running the race and feel like you are so far behind that you just want to quit... you think no one is watching anyway. Jesus is. Have you found yourself getting distracted and weary in the race? Take a break. Refocus on Jesus. Get back up and run. We are all running together. We WILL finish this race toward heaven.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May Giveaway

May's Scrapbooking Giveaway (toddler toes not included)

In honor of National Scrapbooking Month, May's giveaway is a huge lot of fun scrapbooking stickers, rub-ons, ribbon and embellishments. This lot includes no less than 50 (50!) items--and no, we don't mean one sticker counts as one item. ;o) One lucky lady (or fella) will receive fun scrapbooking supplies for pages on subjects from babies to vacations to Christmas ... and more! Plus, there are plenty of alphabets for lots of fun titles, captions and such! If you're not a scrapbooker, there is no time like the present to get started. And if you're not interested in scrapbooking, no worries--these embellishments can be used for all sorts of fun and crafty projects. Enjoy!

Just take a gander at these goodies! And remember: You can't win if you don't enter!


A little bling

A variety of goodies for the variety of pages--or other projects--you'll put together

Quite a variety of fun stuff!

For your sweet baby pages ... or to frame ...

You know you want to win!

All bagged up and ready to me mailed out ... to you, perhaps?


  1. Make a comment on the post for the day pertaining to that post. (For example, if you enter the giveaway on Tuesday, then comment on and about that particular Training Up Tuesday.) THEN, return to this post and tell us on which post you've commented. (That will be a total of two comments for two entries). Don't forget to leave your e-mail address when you comment on this post so we can notify you if you are the lucky winner.
  2. Blog about this giveaway on your personal blog and leave a comment on this post including the link to your post in your comment. This counts for two more entries.
  3. Get MORE entries! Comment on additional posts for each day and tell us here on which post(s) you commented (two more entries per set of two comments--the other post and this post).

-Add our button to your blog (two extra entries). Let us know on this post with the link to your blog and don't forget to leave your e-mail address so we can notify you if you are the lucky winner.

-E-mail three friends about RWAV and this giveaway. CC us at (two extra entries).

-Become a follower of RWAV (located in the sidebar), good for two extra entries. If you're already a subscriber, be sure to let us know on this post!

-Add us to your Twitter or Facebook and let us know on this post--this is good for three extra entries each. Again, don't forget to leave your e-mail address in your comment(s) on this post so we can notify the lucky winner.

One winner will be randomly selected from all entries--so the more entries you have, the better your chances for winning! Entries will be accepted until noon on Wednesday, May 27. The winner will be announced by Saturday, May 30. Good luck and happy commenting!

Training Up Tuesday: Your Child's Salvation

Here is a book idea for any of you with toddlers or children under the age of 10 who have yet to become Christians. My daughter made a comment to us last Fall out of the blue that startled us. One night at dinner, she told us that Jesus was knocking on her heart's door. It floored us to say the least.

She was only 3 1/2 and we didn't think she was ready to fully understand the concept of what Christ did for us on the Cross or the feeling of being repentant for sin. I told her that when Jesus talks to her, she always needs to stop and listen and always come tell Mommy and Daddy what He says.

So, I talked with the preschool coordinator of our church about it and she gave us this book to read. It is SO good and has taught us so much about children and salvation. The author compares the salvation process to pregnancy and labor and he puts it in a perspective that I have never thought about.

There is so much I'd like to say about it, but it would take up a lot of time! Basically, the author answers questions and concerns I've had for years about children getting saved, and the book has made me be much more aware of teachable moments in our children's life and the entire process of becoming a Christian. If you get a chance, buy it (click here). This is one book that I will read and re-read again and again and there will be many highlighted sections. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

What to do with "highwaters"

I've been a long time offender of wearing my jeans too short. In the past year, I discovered this as I was looking through a magazine and saw the black strip over someone's eyes, they were labeled a "DON'T" for the length of their jeans. Hmmmmm. This got me thinking. At first, I was a little offended. Who are THEY to tell ME my jeans are too short?

I tried on my jeans.

Looked in the mirror.


Too short.

The problem is that these were my FAVORITE JEANS! So, I decided to be creative and rolled them up to make them capri pants. The first time I wore them in public, I thought..."I think people are looking at these jeans and wondering why I've rolled them up!" Ha! Now, I love my jeans/capri's again! I wear them all the time. the Braves Game...the petting zoo...even Disney World

You can roll them up, spray starch and iron them. Or just simply stitch the sides so they don't unroll. I'm sure some of ya'll crafty gals out there could get very creative with this one! I thought these little girls jeans were adorable... I love taking something old and making it new by changing it up a little. It saves money and it's fun! Have a great week!

Sunday, May 3, 2009



As a student of God's Word and a desire to grow into the woman He created me to be, I thought it would be helpful to share a little insight into a common verse heard by wives around the globe. The text notes and translation that follow are from the Net Bible.

Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. 55 I will make a companion 56 for him who corresponds to him.”

56 tn Traditionally “helper.” The English word “helper,” because it can connote so many different ideas, does not accurately convey the connotation of the Hebrew word ×¢ֵ×–ֶר (’ezer). Usage of the Hebrew term does not suggest a subordinate role, a connotation which English “helper” can have. In the Bible God is frequently described as the “helper,” the one who does for us what we cannot do for ourselves, the one who meets our needs. In this context the word seems to express the idea of an “indispensable companion.” The woman would supply what the man was lacking in the design of creation and logically it would follow that the man would supply what she was lacking, although that is not stated here. See further M. L. Rosenzweig, “A Helper Equal to Him,” Jud 139 (1986): 277-80.

57 tn The Hebrew expression ×›ְּ× ֶ×’ְדּוֹ (kÿnegdo) literally means “according to the opposite of him.” Translations such as “suitable [for]” (NASB, NIV), “matching,” “corresponding to” all capture the idea. (Translations that render the phrase simply “partner” [cf. NEB, NRSV], while not totally inaccurate, do not reflect the nuance of correspondence and/or suitability.) The man’s form and nature are matched by the woman’s as she reflects him and complements him. Together they correspond. In short, this prepositional phrase indicates that she has everything that God had invested in him.

You are your husbands indispensable companion. You are a match and a complement to him. It truly is a partnership that requires both of you to participate and without each other your marriage is lacking. While you cannot control your husbands role you can chose to be available to your mate by being his companion and supporting him where you see God has designed you to fit. If you are having trouble seeing where you fit in the marriage ask God to reveal it to you! Seek and find, knock and the door will be opened.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


As the weather warms up, so may the amount of visitors and drink consumption in your home. In case your guests (or children) forget to use a coaster and you happen to obtain of those pesky rings from condensation...fear not! To remove white rings left on furniture by water, rub the spot with petroleum jelly, let it stand 24 hours, and rub into the wood. Wipe off excess and polish as usual.

Savory Smackerel

This was a recipe that I made for a recent "Fix and Freeze." It was gobbled up by adults and children alike. It is great for freezing purposes but would also be a wonderful Sunday lunch. The leftovers (if there are any) make great meatball sandwiches. I found the recipe here and it's a nice variation from typical spaghetti.

Meatballs and Tomato Gravy

Serves 4

For tomato gravy:

1 (24-ounce) jar marinara sauce

1/2 cup red wine (I used cooking wine)

1/2 cup reduced-sodium beef broth

2 teaspoons dried oregano

2 teaspoons crushed garlic

For meatballs:

1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs

1/3 cup evaporated milk

1 pound ground beef

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Hot cooked pasta Grated

Parmesan cheese (optional)

Preparation and freezing directions:

1. For tomato gravy, in a large straight-side skillet, combine marinara, wine, broth, oregano and garlic. Simmer, uncovered, on low to medium heat while you prepare meatballs.

2. For meatballs, in a large bowl, combine bread crumbs and milk and soak for 5 minutes. Add ground beef, Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper, mixing well. Wet your hands to keep mixture from sticking to them and roll into 1-1/2-inch meatballs (you should have about 30).

3. Raise heat under sauce to medium. When sauce is almost boiling, carefully drop meatballs into sauce. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Remove lid. Simmer for 5 minutes more.

4. Serve over hot cooked pasta or prepare to freeze.

If freezing, cool for 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer to freezer container and cover loosely with aluminum foil. Cool completely in refrigerator. Once cool, remove foil and cover tightly with lid. Label and freeze.

Thawing and reheating instructions: Thaw meatballs completely in refrigerator. Transfer to a large skillet and bring to a boil. If necessary, thin sauce with beef broth. Serve with hot cooked pasta. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

Mommy Marketing Moment

I ran across this article, And the mompreneurs shall lead us, and wanted to pass it along to ya'll. It's an interesting glimpse at Christian Mommy businesses in light of our country's economic crisis. If I was a momprenuer, this article would really encourage me. Go Mompreneurs! We support you. :)

Happy Saturday!