
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thrifty Thursday ~ Tithe

In the last two weeks we've completed our budget and started tracking our variable expenses. How did you do with the tithe portion of the budget? Did you leave it blank to see what you would have left over after all of your "real" expenses? Or, did you take 10% of your income and promptly fill in the numbers? Let's cover some basic truths about money:

1. Our money is not our own, it all belongs to God.
Haggai 2:8 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares the LORD of hosts.

2. Tithe should be the FIRST payment we make after we get any income. It should be 10% of your income paid to your local church. This is why it is listed as the first expense on my budget.
Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.
Genesis 28:22 All that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.

3. If you do not tithe you are robbing God. If you do tithe you will receive blessings. Now, this is tricky because we don't give to get. However, there are blessing for those who choose to obey His laws!
Malachi 3:8-10Will a man rob God Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, 'How have we robbed You ' In tithes and offerings. "You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.

4. God will provide! After looking at your budget you may think it's impossible to tithe. You need to make it your number one financial change. I'm not going to say that it will be easy. At times it's been very difficult for our family. However, He will not forsake you!
Psalm 37:25 I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.
2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed.

This has been a difficult post for me because I struggled with this for many years. The love of numbers and planning can be a toxic combination if God is not your FIRST priority. Our spiritual and financial lives are intertwined. It is a command to tithe and if we don't obey there are consequences. I know from experience that it will limit you in so many areas and there is great freedom in obedience.
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday In The Word

"Scientists have found that images of the brain in prayer resembles the brain of a person interacting with somebody they love." Perhaps this is the best definition of prayer that has ever been written.

Prayer is intimate communication with the LIVING GOD and His Son, Jesus. The Bible dictionary puts it this way:
"Prayer is converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, or formal. It is a "beseeching the Lord" (Ex. 32:11); "pouring out the soul before the Lord" (1 Sam. 1:15); "praying and crying to heaven" (2 Chr. 32:20); "seeking unto God and making supplication" (Job 8:5); "drawing near to God" (Ps. 73:28); "bowing the knees" (Eph. 3:14)."

It is amazing to think that the scientific world has validated what we already know or have experienced if we have spent much time in prayer. Prayer is more than a shout out to God when we are in an emergency situation. Although God hears us anytime we cry out to Him. You have to know from your own experience that you don't really get to know a person until you have conversations with them on levels beyond the surface introductory greetings and pleasantries. Prayer is a deep relationship.

The Bible says:
"the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. " James 5: 15-18

From the rooftop:

Your prayers are powerful

Your prayers are effective

The people in the Bible are just like you

God hears your sincere heart

God will answer your prayers

Elijah was one man and you are one person

Your individual prayer could change the course of history

When you pray for your spouse, your child, your friends, your neighbors, your job, your world or whatever concerns you have in your heart, God hears. God will answer your prayer. It may not be exactly how you want or what you thought but it will be the best answer. May all our hearts be sincere as we bow our knees and engage in conversation with the One that wants to have the deepest relationship with us.

I am praying for you and I love you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We have a winner!

Thank you to all who entered our April Giveway. The drawing is done and we have a winner. The recipient of the one of a kind Jaime Beitler blog makeover is (drum roll)....

Beth Fisher Hilty of Tangled Eutopia
Congratulations, Beth! We can't wait to see what Jaime does to your blog. Let us know when it is ready. Thank you, Jaime, for an AWESOME giveaway!
God bless you,
The Women of Roof with a View

Training up Tuesday: It happens.

Ever had a day like this? Maybe this will help you remember you aren't alone...

Just trying to celebrate my mom's birthday. Notice anything out of place in this picture?

No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. That really IS WARM #2 all over me.

The look on my face is just me DRY HEAVING! I couldn't stop dry heaving while everyone was laughing hysterically and my sweet little boy couldn't figure out what all the laughter was about. After 2 washes and lots of scrubbing, I finally got the stain out of my pants (where was that TNT Tip when I needed it?). I keep giving Huggies just one more try but I guess I need to stick with Pampers.
Hope this put a smile on your face today as you're training up those children. Lord, give us joy in our hearts even during the messiest of moments.
"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter..." Job 8:21

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Intense Devotion...


I forgot to post today! Sorry, it was a true day of rest.

I did just read something wonderful in Isaiah 9:7 "the Lord's intense devotion for His people will accomplish this." The passage is referring to His devotion to His people Israel and the promises He made them (but we were grafted in when Christ came to save us all). The accomplishing of "this" is His ultimate rule and reign over all peoples, nations, and tongues(Daniel 7:14). The part that stuck me was the word "intense". The Lord is intensely in love with his people and desires to see the fulfillment of His will for all humanity. Be encouraged that when you feel like life may be monotonous, meaningless or without is not! The creator of all things has intense devotion for His children and will accomplish His plan to have all earthly things under His rule and authority.

SO WHAT? If God can manage the redemption of man and the destruction of all evil, He can help you in sorting out the light and momentary trials we face today.

2Corinthians 4:17-18 For our momentary, light suffering is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.

For His Glory,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mommy Marketing Moment

I am SOOOO excited about today's MMM, I can hardly stand it. Remember Donna's fav cleaning cloth from her post yesterday? Search no further because you, too, can have such a cloth!I've always been a believer that when you "doll up" your chores, they become a little more pleasant. For example: wearing an apron. I even used to make aprons for my brooms, (to make them feel pretty too, of course:).

Soooo...welcome, RWAVers, to my store's GRAND OPENING! I've been crocheting these cute dishcloths for years. They are tried and true! I've had some for 3-5 years and I'm still using them. They are simple and sweet, and BOY, do they get the JOB DONE! Their "knobbiness" helps cut through the caked on spots on your counters and tables. They are made out of 100% cotton, so they soak up water in a jiffy!

The cloths come in RWAV pink...a symbol of your fellow women "up on the roof" cleaning away (with a joyful heart, of course) reminding you that you are in good company and definitely not alone. :)

Click here to go to my new store and place your order!

Sidenote: I LOVE the story behind today's MMM. It started with something as simple as a dishcloth.

Donna's MIL got her a special kind of dishcloth thinking she "might" use it. Donna thought, "Hmmm. Interesting gift. I'll give it a try," and ended up finding it a cleaning staple-a tried and true (TNT) fav in her home maintenance. Who would think to bring that up in everyday, ordinary convo?

Donna ended up doing a post on her personal blog about that little cloth because she wanted another and couldn't find them anywhere. Turns out, our very own Angela has been making those exact same clothes for years (to everyone's surprise) but didn't necessarily have a reason to mention this hidden talent in everyday, ordinary convo.

As you consider today's MMM, I hope you will be encouraged at how this story IS Matthew 10:27 in action. Yes, because of something as simple as a dishcloth. THIS, my dear ladies, is precisely the heart of this blog and a prime example of WHY the Lord calls us to SHOUT FROM OUR HOUSETOPS--to build up one another (and maybe even make each others jobs a little easier while we are at it)!


Tired of spending money on the moneymaker (aka your face)? One way you can save some nickels and dimes is this...instead of buying eye make up removers such as these:

Try a little of this on a cotton swab to remove your eye makeup. This trick will leave you some extra money to spend on your favorite, all important facial cleanser and moisturizing regimen from those same name brands above!
Disclaimer: I'm sure we have many readers that may sell particularly the #2 remover shown above. This tip is not to discourage your business. Perhaps it will even boost your business on cleansing and moisturizing areas of your skin care line. :)

Savory Smackerel

I think I mentioned in a previous post that a couple of us did a mini Fix and Freeze. This recipe was easy, perfect for freezing and a HIT at my house. I served it w/ some good ole Sister Schubert rolls and salad. Every last morsel was eaten. It would be perfect for a Sunday lunch after church.

Chicken Divan (Paula Deen recipe)

2 (10-ounce) packages frozen broccoli, chopped
6 cups shredded chicken, cooked
2 (10 3/4-ounce) cans condensed cream of mushroom
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 cup grated sharp Cheddar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon
1 teaspoon curry powder
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan
1/2 cup soft
bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter, melted

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Remove the outer wrappers from the boxes of broccoli. Open 1 end of each box. Microwave on full power for 2 minutes, until thawed. Drain the broccoli and put into a casserole dish. Add the shredded chicken.

In a medium bowl, combine the soup, mayonnaise, sour cream, Cheddar, lemon juice, curry powder, salt and pepper, to taste, and wine. Whisk together to make a sauce. Pour the sauce over the broccoli and chicken. Mix well with a spatula.

Place the mixture into an 11 by 7-inch casserole dish or 2 (9-inch) square disposable aluminum foil pans that have been sprayed with vegetable oil cooking spray. Pat down evenly and smooth with a spatula. Combine the Parmesan, bread crumbs and butter and sprinkle over the top.

Bake for about 30 to 45 minutes.

Cook's Note: Try topping with Cheddar or Gruyere cheese.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Free-for-all Friday: Cleaning Edition

Here are a few of my favorite things when it comes to cleaning up and organizing things around our house.

1. Our very own Nancy blogged about this label maker on her personal blog a long time ago.

I LOVE to organize things--it makes me happy! I had seen these advertised so I went to get one and I have not been disappointed! It really is the handiest thing to have around the house and the labeling possibilities are endless! I've even seen my husband sneak it to make labels for his hunting stuff:) If you buy one, save your 50% off coupon for AC Moore. I have used mine to label many things including:

Containers in my pantry... Bins in our garage......

...and I'm starting to organize one of the closets in the playroom. This is helping me to get started:

2. My mother-in-law gave me this WONDERFUL washcloth in my stocking last Christmas. I have ranted and raved about it, which makes her and my sister-in-law laugh, but this is the BEST kitchen washcloth ever. It's crocheted (sp??) and very thick. The best part is, it has yet to get that nasty, old washcloth smell that sometimes happens if a washcloth sits out too long. It has never smelled musty, no matter how long it has sat in the sink. I've been searching and searching where I could find someone who made these because I wanted to buy some more!!! FINALLY, I've found somewhere and you'll be surprised but stay tuned for tomorrow's Mommy Marketing Moment! 3. This floor cleaner is.....well, Fabuloso! I use a vinegar/water solution to mop my floors. I add a little of this stuff and my house smells great! The type I get is a lavender scent and I like it because it doesn't have a chemical smell: 4. My friend, Jenny, gave me this tip at a Mary Kay Party recently and it's a good one. What do you do with all of those old, personalized burp cloths? I received so many when my son was born and I hated to just throw them out. My daughter claimed a few for her baby dolls, but I had tons left. Well, Jenny gave me the good idea to cut them in half and use them as dust cloths. Brilliant! I tried this yesterday when I spent 5 hours deep cleaning my house. The cloth was the perfect fabric for dusting. I'm throwing all my nasty rags out and from now on, I will dust the house in true monogram fashion:
We would love to hear some of your cleaning FAVs. Be sure to share them with us. Happy Spring Cleaning!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thrifty Thursday ~ Variable Budget

Last week we took the first step in creating a family budget. How did you do? You may have found that it looks good on paper, but in reality you're struggling to make ends meet each month. Most of the time this is because of VARIABLE EXPENSES. A "variable expense" is one that does not have a due date but is a constant expense. This amount will naturally vary from month to month, but is a necessity. It is impossible to accurately budget for these items if you don't track your spending!

I created this simple sheet to track our variable expenses. Every time you spend money (that is not a monthly bill) you log it on this sheet. Keep this accessible and right when you get home enter your debits!

I find joy in the details, but my husband does not. In order to have us both involved in the family budget I created very broad categories to track our spending.

1. Fuel- This amount will vary depending on your region of the country, commute, etc. Track your spending and then increase it slightly to allow for fluctuations in the gas prices.

2. Groceries/Toiletries- $300.00 for a family of 4. Sticking to a budget in this category is a huge key to savings! I am embarrassed to admit that last year we averaged $660.49 per month. However, for the last 7 months I have only spent $300 per month! This is a savings of $4320 per year! It is not difficult. Simple menu planning, smart shopping, and coupons have been the keys to decreasing my spending. I share more details at my blog, Carolina Clipper.

3. Miscellaneous- For three years I allowed this category to be catch all. This year I decided to break it down a little further. You can see the subcategories on the budget. Medical, Auto, Home/Repairs, Clothes, Hair, Gifts, Other. In addition to listing the debit on the variable budget sheet I also indicate the subcategory.

4. Entertainment- Each week my husband and I get "blow money" that we can spend on whatever we want without accountability. The remaining money is for our date nights.

When we first started we simply entered the amounts that we spent. I wish I could say that we stopped spending when we reached that category limit, but we didn't. We were tracking our spending instead of living by the budget. Don't make that same mistake! First, understand that for the first three months you're trying to discover the category amounts. They will most likely be more than anticipated. Remember, you want honest numbers. Once you get realistic budget amounts STOP SPENDING when you reach that limit. Finally, make the necessary sacrifices to stick to your budget.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday In The Word.

Ruth Graham has been such a strong influence on my life. Her faith and ability to recall scripture always captivated me. It made me want to commit scripture to memory early in my walk with the Lord. It is so amazing how the Holy Spirit will just bring a certain scripture to your mind precisely at the moment you need it.

Recently, I have come across another scripture that is going into my mind and heart because it encourages me so much right now and I am sure it will surface just when I need it later.

And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure. Isaiah 33:6

The world is so unstable right now, you know that. It can unsettle the strongest. Recently our national leader said that we were not a Christian nation and has taken some disturbing actions. It can cause us to be unstable and insecure to say the least. However, our pastor made and excellent point this week when he said our prayers need to be about the Kingdom of God being manifest on this earth and less about our wants, our needs, who we think needs to be in positions or not in positions, our limited sphere of understanding and more about God orchestrating His order right here on earth.

Shouting from the rooftop:

Jesus is the only stability of our times

Jesus makes us rich because He saved us

Jesus will give you wisdom and understanding

When our eyes are on Him we receive treasures beyond our comprehension.

Let us take our instability and ask God to exchange it for His stability. He has wisdom, understanding and treasures beyond any of our comprehensions.

I am praying for you that He alone will be your stability.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tanning Cream...Don't let this happen to you!!!

**Disclaimer - I believe that we are created in God's image and are ALL beautiful, no matter what shade our skin is. This is for all my fellow tanning cream sufferers out there! 

After 15 years of scrubbing, lemon juice, exfoliating, and trying every different tanning cream on the market, I've FINALLY mastered this very delicate art. The ART of applying tanning cream. I have to say before I give you my super secret tips, that I am a white girl. I mean, WHITE! I don't tan, I freckle and burn. So, for me, this is a healthier choice. Tanning beds aren't good for you. There I said it. I have had skin cancer in almost 50 different spots. Some people are more prone, and I am one of them.

With that said, if you are looking for a healthy glow, I'm going to give you my successful tanning cream tips. 

First we need to start with products. I have used everything from the $4.99 off brand bottle to the VERY expensive stuff and here's the BEST...are you ready?...... L'OREAL Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion and Bath and Body Works Island Hot Spot Body Scrub.

*Give yourself enough time to be able to do this before bed and let it dry.

***Don't be in a hurry. You don't want to slap this stuff on like you're scrubbing the kitchen counter. Take your time. It will pay off!

1. Take a shower. Exfoliate either with a loofa or an exfoliating cleanser. Example: St. Ives Apricot scrub.

2. Dry off very well. Then start applying your cream. Put a small dollup in the palm of your hand and apply to legs first. Avoid your ankle bones and only put a slight amount over the knee cap as well.

3. After you've done your legs...take a break and EXFOLIATE YOUR HANDS!!! Use a very coarse scrub (like the B&B Works scrub) Sometimes, I will even scrub after each leg so the bronzer doesn't have any time at all to sink into the palm of my hands.

4. Apply on arms and upper body and anywhere else you want a glow. I like putting it on my tummy, because it makes it look smaller! Avoid elbows and wrist bones as well.

5. Scrub hands again. Be sure not to drip water on your legs or arms. Sometimes it will run and you'll be able to see it the next day.

6. Take a look. If you think you may have put too much on any area, example: knees, ankles, etc. Take a damp towel and gently rub that area. You'll see a little bit come off on the towel.

7. Let it air dry. Usually 15-20 minutes is sufficient. You'll know it's dry when you don't feel sticky anymore.

8. Get some sleep.

9. In the morning take a shower, using a loofa (one of those soft scrunchie things) rinse off all the areas you applied cream.

10. Put on some nice smelling lotion, and you're good to go!Voila! A sun-kissed glow without the UV rays! The lighting in this picture has a reddish tint, but I PROMISE it's a nice brown color!

Try it out and let us know how it goes. Happy bronzing!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Joy of Conflict


Happy Sunday! Hope you taking time to rest and relax from the "business" of life. Since you have taken time to read today I want to send you a word of encouragment.

I am a women who LOVES the Lord and His Word. I mean I could abandon all things (family, friends, all material things, even food for a time) and just devote my whole life to being with my heavenly father. We all have our passions. I even have many interst but nothing comes close the the way I crave me some Jesus! My sister joked with me that I would make a great nun. I laughed but in the midst of my laugh God spoke to my heart and this is what He said..."You would be too sad without Mike (my husband/picture above) because he challenges you the most in your walk with me." Thank you Lord for using my husband, the man I have pledged to spend the rest of my life with, to spur me into a deeper walk with you.

In the conflict, the highs and lows, the simple and complex, our marriages test every part of who we are and want to be. It is easy to wear a mask around those we see on a less intimate level. You may have tried to "play" some role in the beginning of your marriage, but too quickly the real you and the real him was exposed. I mean really, you are literally naked before this person! The encouragment is this:

1) When Jesus enters your life something "good" begins. God always finishes what He starts! Phillipians 1:6 "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"

2) ALL conflict in your marriage should be looked at with JOY!
James 1:2-4"Consider it all joy, my sisters (annie's change), when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

3) God desires you are lacking in nothing. I will personally testify that trials have equipped me to the place I am now and without them I would be lacking in so many ways!!

SO WHAT? Apply these truth and let the Spirit of God change your heart today. Pray and ask him to show you where you are not looking at life's testings with Joy.

Looking Up,

By the way, if you do not know what it means to know Jesus and have His Spirit living in you please email me ( so I can share with you the life changing reality of knowing Christ as your savior.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Savory Smackerel

We've gotten a lot of feedback at what a hit the Firehouse Pancakes have been in your homes. Matter of fact, my daughter is munching on one as I type. :) Our girl, Amy A, recently sent a great side item addition that would compliment these pancakes perfectly. Thank you, Amy! By the way, you get FIVE whole entries to the April givewawy for your recipe entry last week AND for your recipe entry for this week (that equals TEN entries). Perhaps that will give you ladies some incentive to shout from YOUR housetops. :)

Without further ado, Amy says:

Here’s another Savory Smackerel for ya: Brown Sugar Bacon. Oh yeah, you heard me. I first saw this on Rachel Ray and tried it out at home. It’s the bomb dot com. Match it up w/ a batch of eggs, those Firehouse Pancakes and you'll have yourself a mean Sunday brunch!

Brown Sugar Bacon

Brown sugar

Spray a cookie cooling rack with nonstick spray. Lay over foil-lined roasting pan or something deep enough to catch bacon drippings.Lay out bacon on cooling rack. Sprinkle brown sugar over each piece of bacon, as much as you like. Bake according to package directions (it’s usually around 400 degrees or so) until desired brownness. The brown sugar caramelizes and it is soooo good.

I’ve seen Ina Garten on Barefoot Contessa do this too, but she used real maple syrup instead (HPS interjection: learn from me. normal pancake syrup does not work) . I’m sure that would be equally delicious; I just happen to always have brown sugar at my house.


OK, this isn't really a household tip but will definitely be a relief for noses in need from Spring time allergies. It's a little hidden treasure at your fingertips and it's sooooo great, I can't believe I haven't heard more rage about this product...
Vicks scented Puffs! I stumbled across these and heart them BIG time . Then, our sweet Angela (aka Marvelous Monday) mentioned them in a post and I was SO excited that someone shared in the enthusiasm. If you go stay with her, you might even get them under your pillowcase! Recently, one of my friends was visiting from the Caymans (with a cold), tried them and stocked her suitcase full for her return to the Islands. User warning: once you catch a whiff, you're liable to wanna sniff...ALL day long! Click here for a coupon.

Mommy Marketing Moment

Special thanks to Amee for helping us out with last week's MMM. Amee, you also get 5 entries to the April giveaway. Ladies, send us those Christian Mommy businesses! We want to support them and I'm sure they would appreciate the encouragement. As incentive, you too can earn 5 entries to our giveaway. Email us at roofwithaview at gmail dot com. Happy Saturday!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Free-for-all Friday~Fun Filled Frames!

Here is the best way to add your personal touch in decorating your walls. It can work on a small or large wall. When decorating, it should be a direct reflection of your family and your personality. It creates compliments and conversations which makes your pictures more meaningful. It also helps you see and remember all the blessings you have in your life on a daily basis. "Every good and perfect gift is from above.." James 1:17.

Above are a couple of picture frame arrangements that I have in my home that I love. First, my husband and I love to take pictures when we go on vacation. We then come home and make art work out of those photographs with the photo software on our computer. After we finish with the editing, we go to the local drugstore or Target and spend a couple of dollars to have this personal artwork through out our home. The three pictures on the main wall in our living room are pictures that we took on a trip to Savannah that we took together before our son was born. We came home, chopped and cropped the pictures and then picked the color scheme.

Above are three frames that are upstairs in our spare room where I do all my sewing. I have a true love for fabric this allows me to see some of my favorite fabrics plus one of the biggest blessings in my life (my son in a picture taken on one of his first trips to the beach).

We have also made a habit of framing posters from our favorite concerts and events. This was a poster that I received while doing one of my internships in Wilmington, NC. When we moved, I found it rolled up and thought how great it would be to splurge and have it framed and hung in our living area. Why spend hundreds on others' art when you can create your own?!?!?

Feel free to share some of your art ideas and creations with us. Happy Friday!

Thrifty Thursday ~ Budget

The Bible is full of wisdom about our finances. In fact, of Jesus' 39 parables, over half of them use money or work as a teaching tool. For the next few weeks the Thrifty Thursday post will discuss different areas of our finances (Budget, Tithe, Debt, Savings, etc). I'll share my very simple and practical ways to make sure we're honoring God.

For many years the word "budget" invoked fear. I felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin. It was only when I became a stay-at-home mom and was forced to budget that I realized the value and freedom it brings.

Luke 14:28-30 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.

To create a budget you must make the time (sit down) to write everything down (count the cost). If you're married, I suggest you do this with your partner. Click here to access our monthly budget. My goal was to keep it simple so we would actually use it. Here are a few key points:

  • The first page of the document is the weekly detailed budget. The second page is the monthly totals from the first page.
  • A few of our expenses (retirement, insurance, etc) are deducted automatically from my husband's paycheck. Therefore, I don't include those items as an expense and instead enter his income after those things are deducted. Again, trying to keep things simple.
  • Our mortgage is due on the 1st of each month. Therefore, I contacted each company of our other expenses and asked if we could change the due date to the middle/end of the month. The majority of the companies were able to accommodate my request! (The exceptions were my gym membership and preschool because the due dates are the same for everyone). By doing this you are able to control your cash flow to make things more manageable.
  • Budget for the bills that vary due to usage (gas, electric, water, etc) by getting an average. Simply write down your last 12 payments, add them up (total), and divide by 12 (months) to get the average. If you don't know your last 12 payments then contact the company to ask the amounts.
  • You MUST budget for the variable items (Fuel, Groceries/Toiletries, Miscellaneous, Entertainment). Click here for the Variable Budget document. Click here to read my RWAV post on how to use this document. I will go into even greater detail in the weeks to come.
  • Don't include a bonus or gift in your budget. This category is included to track when this blessing happens throughout the year, not to include as anticipated income. Ideally, when you get a bonus or gift, it should go directly to savings.
  • Your goal is to have a "zero" for your unallocated surplus. This means that every cent has a purpose and goes somewhere.

Philippians 4:11 I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Accept the numbers. The best budget is an honest budget! Don't write things down that you hope will happen or you wish were the expense. This is more common than you think. Remember, we're taking it one step at a time. Join me in gathering the facts. Next, we'll discuss what to do if things don't look the way you had hoped.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday In The Word

What is in a name?

Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. --Genesis 2:19-20

The names of these two dogs are BOO and SERCY.

According to this scripture, the Lord Himself gave us the creative mind and the privilege of naming all the animals and birds. What an exciting task!

Now, my husband may disagree with the excitement of this task when it comes to our dogs. First, whoever named the breeds of these dogs did not take into account what a man would feel when he had to answer the question, "What kind of dog do you have?"

The very buff dog you see in the picture above is a YORKIE POO (that would be blend of yorkshire terrier and poodle). The black dog is a SWEENIE (that would be a blend of a daschund and shitzu)! Can you see my husband's face when he responds to that question with "Yorkie Poo" or "Sweenie"? I think this would be a huge hurdle for most men--especially mine. :)

However, we took seriously the names of these dogs. We spent days making list, saying names over and over, calling each other to get approvals and finally we decided on their names. Sercy is what our family likes to call surprises and she was indeed a surprise. Boo loves to hide and the expression on his face just looks like he wants to play peek-a-BOO. There you have it. Whooa we are creative.

I'm sure many of you have taken very seriously what to name a child. You picked the name because it meant something to you, you liked the way it sounded or, when the baby came, he/she looked like that name. It is so fantastic to me that we have the freedom and creativity to name things!! I think I recall our own Angela (aka Marvelous Monday) loves to name just about anything.

In the Bible, names are important to God. In fact, He knows your name. If you are a stay at home mom, you may have given up a career and now people know you by your husbands name. If your children are old enough to be in various activities, you are known by their name-as their mom. Perhaps you don't have children and you are so busy and working so hard and you don't feel like anyone notices or knows your name.


God knows your name.

You are important to Him.

He has a lot of wonderful things to show you while you are here on earth.

Your life with Him will be full of creative moments.

He wants to use You for His purpose.

Most importantly, we know the ONE whose name is above every name - JESUS !

Think on His name this week. Spend time with Him. Get to know Him. It is a lifelong relationship.

I love you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Training up Tuesday: Keeping your children safe online

It seems an understatement to say the market of technology at our fingertips is rapidly expanding beyond the confines our home or workplace (i.e. IPods, IPhones, laptops, wireless games~Nintendo DS, Wii). I am amazed as I see children of younger and younger ages with their very own laptops, IPods and cell phones...a far cry from my fav technological games/device as a youngster--PacMan and Frogger on Atari! It is definitely an entertaining and stimulating time to grow up.

This reminds me of the Bible verse which underscores to whom much is give, much is required (Luke 12:48). Each Thursday on Roof with a View, we discuss ways to be thrifty and good stewards of what the Lord has entrusted to us. We've also discussed ways to pass stewardship on to our children. When thinking of the word "stewardship," "money" or "finances" are the first words that come to mind. BUT we can also teach our children to be good stewards of the technology and entertainment available to them.

Some tools for you:

The Parent's Guide from the Family Online Safety Institute is helpful. You can print a copy for your home by clicking here.

As encouragement for your children, print this kid friendly, colorful document to put it in a prominent place near your computer or in their room. Click here to print.

This parent/child online safety contract which will provide a great discussion tool for you with your children as well as provide some accountability. Click here to print.

If you are interested in more safety resources, click here. Focus on the Family has some great links including Internet Safety Software Resources and Media Safety Resources (even for the IPhone and ITouch). One cool thing I did not know about is this DVD player that filters sex, violence and profanity on regular DVDs! How's that for a family friendly movie night?!?

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Deuteronomy 4:8-10

Feel free to share any tools that you have found helpful in keeping your family and home safe from technology and media. I'll leave you with a music video of which typing this post reminded me (it alludes more to marriage than technology but it's still a great video).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pucker Up!

I read in a book recently that you can tell how healthy your marriage is by how much you KISS! I was intrigued by this so I continued to read that you really need to have 3 passionate kisses a day. 

Well, when I read "passionate kisses" I thought. Woah! 3 is alot. When I think of a "passionate kiss" I think 2-3 minutes. Well, it actually meant you need to hold the kiss for a few SECONDS not MINUTES! I started laughing at myself. I was picturing having to stop and have long make out sessions while I'm trying to cook dinner. 

I've learned the difference in kissing my husband good-bye in the morning with feeling and passion behind it, instead of just a peck. And the same thing goes for when he comes home at the end of the day. Now, I don't time myself...(example...HOLD, HOLD, HOLD, okay...CUT! ha ha!) But I make sure I've planted a good one on my hubby and that we feel something behind it. 

I'm not gonna lie to you, there are occasions where it would be easier to go through the motions, get the peck out of the way and move along. But, when I take the time and effort (which isn't asking a lot by the way, a few seconds here) to kiss my man, it gives us a moment of connectedness. So much is said in that moment even if no words are spoken. 

Alright, so here's my challenge to you: PUCKER UP LADIES!!! Until next week, give this a try. See what happens. Does it become less routine and more passionate? I know it has helped in my home! 

Now, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't recommend some GREAT lip gloss for your homework. It just might give you the boost you need to get KISSING! Here's some of my favorites:Beauty Rush from Victoria's Secret. This stuff smells so yummy. A good sweet tasting flavor is "I Want Candy".  
Bath & Body Works sells this tinted gloss in different flavors. The MINT is so crisp and gives you a really fresh and cool feeling. Mmmm, I LOVE this one! 

And there's the old standby. Any old chapstick will do just fine. Whatever you have lying around. This Classic Cherry Chapstick takes me back to my childhood. I was obsessed with this stuff. 

Song of Solomon 1:2 "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth - for your love is more delightful than wine."

Sunday, April 12, 2009



Today is a day for celebration! Today we celebrate the freedom we received when Christ rose from the dead and conquered sin and death. Our Redeemer Lives!

As of today I have three sons, Michael is the oldest and he is five. Five years has been a lifetime of growth for me and I am grateful for the many lessons I have learned through the role as mom. During my first (second and third) pregnancy I was extremely nauseous the entire nine months. I just wanted to die and I wasn't sure how I was going to make it to the next hour not to mention the next day or month! I became consumed with how I felt and how I was going to try and rid myself of the nausea. It became impossible to plan for tomorrow I had to just make it day by day. I felt like my life at that point was useless and I figured I could be more useful to God if I just came and joined him up in heaven. Well, He did not take my life and instead gave me an innocent little baby boy as a reward for the time served. I felt like I was ready to live again... then the sleep deprivation set in! No one can really prepare a new mom for the complete fatigue that comes with lack of sleep. I became irritable, apathetic and craved sleep! I wanted to rejoin the human race but was drowning in my new world as mommy. That is when God showed me the model of how to live a life pleasing to God through His son Jesus. Philippians 2:5 "You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had." What attitude did He have?

who though he existed in the form of God
did not regard equality with God
as something to be grasped,
but emptied himself
by taking on the form of a slave,
by looking like other men,
and by sharing in human nature.
He humbled himself,
by becoming obedient to the point of death
– even death on a cross!

Well, that put me in my place. The moment I read these words I realized I had to change my attitude to match the attitude of Christ. I had to empty myself of my own desires, humble myself to God's authority in my life, and become obedient to His will for me. I was called to serve my family in love, just as Jesus came into the world to sacrifice His life for us in love. Don't miss the point that His attitude was one motivated by His love for God and His children. Ask God to help you renew your attitude to be one of selfless and unconditional love for those around you today.

Looking up!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mommy Marketing Moment

Thank you to our reader in Virginia, Amee, for referring us to a great online business started by two moms, Jenny Cochran and Jane Delaney. is a meal plan website endorsed by Dave Ramsey. For $15 ($5 a month, $1.25 a week), you receive 3 months worth of menus, recipes and an aisle by aisle shopping list to a variety of different stores of your choice. E-mealz customizes the menus selection based on your family size and style of eating. The site was designed with busy moms and frugal cooks in mind which means it is budget friendly. Each meal plan is based on the current sales at your select grocery store and they include tips on using coupons.

E-mealz goals for you are:

Goal #1-Spending time with your family

Goal #2-Save time and money

Goal #3-Serve delicious food

Goal #4-Save yourself from multiple and last minute trips to the grocery store

Goal #5-Stare at your children across from the dinner table rather than into the pantry looking for a dinner idea

Goal #6-Lose weight without preparing separate meals for the family. (Every meal plan is designed to be family friendly, even the weight management plans!)


Another great Amy sent us a neat TNT Tip for today. Thank you, Amy A! Here's what Amy had to say (can I rhyme anymore?):

I am using this tip right now in my kitchen, so I thought I’d share it! If you’re out of candles (is that possible??) or if you need a change of scent in your home, try what I call “Poor Woman’s Potpourri.” My mom taught me to do this:

-Fill a small pot with water (enough so that it doesn’t cook out quickly).

-Add in a few shakes of your favorite aromatic spices. I use cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, whole or ground cloves, and even a little ginger.

-Bring it all to a boil to get those spices mingling, then turn down to a simmer.

-Keep filling with water and enjoy the scent all day long! (Do not let it boil down to nothing – your pot will be tough to clean!)

Savory Smackerel

If by chance you haven't planned your Easter breakfast, this recipe comes from one of Mary's Hungry contributors, Tara, and is always a big hit.

Yummy Sausage Croissants


Mild or Hot sausage (0ne of each if making a larger portion)
1 pkg cream cheese
1 container of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (2 containers if you double the sausage)
egg white
poppy seed


Cook the sausage and drain
Mix the sausage and cream cheese
Roll out the crescent dough into two big rectangles
Scoop the sausage/cream cheese mixture across center of each rectangle
Roll up dough over mixture and turn over so the seam is facing down
Brush egg white on top and sprinkle with poppy seed
Cook according to crescent roll directions

Let cool a little, then slice (pizza cutter works great for slicing)

*I usually make the larger portion if preparing for a gathering

*There are other ways to arrange the croissant dough- ex. stuff the croissant triangles instead of making rectangles. Be creative if you'd like.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thrifty Thursday ~ Bag Credit

Did you know you can get a "bag credit" at some grocery stores? Simply ask your customer service whether they participate in any sort of program. My Lowes Food gives a 50 "greenpoints"PER BAG! You can use these points towards free food. Yeah!

I got the Envirosax Pouch for Christmas and LOVE IT! It is small enough to fit into a glove compartment or a medium to large handbag. No more excuses for leaving your 'green bags' at home! Each pouch is $37.95 and contains all 5 bags in the series. Or, you can buy one bag for $8.50.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday In The Word: Resurrection

The Resurrection that we celebrate this week changed my life and yours.

I had been a follower of Jesus Christ for almost four years before I understood the full impact of the Resurrection on my personal, daily life. What a difference it has made every day since!
Resurrection was a word understood as "the ultimate act of God to man," but four years after committing my life to Christ, it became more than that to me when I read this verse:

Martha answered, "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day."
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:24-26

Jesus IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, do you believe it? I do.
All of a sudden with the help of the Holy Spirit, I could see that my life was raised up and new. The Bible tells us that when we come to Christ, all the old becomes new. The power of the Resurrection makes that possible. Once I understood what this meant personally, I no longer planned my own days or life. It truly was like a light bulb went on, and each day, I knew that if I committed my day to Him, the radiance, power and the newness of the Resurrection would fill it.
That scripture was written when Martha wanted Jesus to resurrect Lazarus. Jesus is saying to her~don't look to Lazarus and what you want for him. Look to ME. That is what he wants for you and me.

May I shout from the roof top:

Commit your days to HIM.
Embrace the newness HE has for you everyday.
Share the Resurrection with someone you know that needs it.
Life has power because of daily Resurrection.

The visual today is YOU...
...with a smile on your face,
with joy in your heart,
with a new step as you walk through your day,
being FREE to accept LIFE in matters that formerly made you feel dead.
Jesus' suffering, crucifixion, and blood He shed on the Cross enables all of us to have an unbroken relationship with God Almighty. If we ask for forgiveness of our sins and ask Him to come into our life, because Jesus Christ is Resurrection and Life, we are full participants in the Resurrection!
He can resurrect your marriage, your calling, your failed friendship, your broken heart or your endless days. Praise His Name!

I pray for each of you that you experience personally the Resurrection as never before. God bless you and happy Easter!