Hey ya'll!
Since we don't have the pleasure of visiting around one another's trees over Christmas coffee, oooooohing and ahhhhhing at each other's festive decorations, we thought we would bring our homes to you! Over the next couple of weeks, we hope you will enjoy glimpses of our Christmas trees, favorite Christmas decorations or any other Christmas concoction the ladies of the Roof happen to conjure up. So, get in your comfies, pour yourself a cup of coffee or hot cocoa, nestle up by the fire and make yourself at home.:)
First, welcome to the living room of CC (aka
the musing foodie). ooooh laaaa laaaa. Isn't that tree gorg?!? I love the lighted tree skirt!

Now, let's move on into our
Donna's dining room. This is one of her all time fav Christmas decorations. It is a Sterling Silver 12 Days of Christmas ornament tree. Isn't it beautiful?! She also has a kid's gumdrop tree that I bet we could twist her arm into showing. :)

Won't ya'll come on over to Glenda's abode and enjoy her living area decorations!?! This picture doesn't do her big peppermint tree justice. It is beautiful and gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling all over. This area is COZY and beckons for a Christmas tea party!

Let's move on into Angela's kitchen to refill our cups and gather round her PRESH Starbucks tree. Who woulda thought of such an adorable idea!?!? Leave it to, Ang! Think she likes Starbucks? Sooooo creative.

Now, come on over to the home of yours truly and enjoy our kid friendly tree. This pic is way fuzzy cuz I quickly snapped it with my phone so I'm not sure if you can tell the lights are red and white but they are. I'm loving the red and white theme that it seems the ladies of the roof have going. Great minds...:)
Side story: see the polka dotted tree skirt? I loved this thing until I realized a MAJOR grammatical error on the monogrammers part that I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. We had it embroidered with our last name which should read "The ___s." However, it reads "The ___'s." Ahhhh, it drives me bonkers. Think I can dethread the apostrophe without wreacking havoc?

Here we have Amy A's tree which I believe wins the award for being put up the earliest (like November 1st or something...OK. not really the 1st but not long after). Isn't it purdy?!?!

And here is one of Amy A's favorite ways to decorate for Christmas. She thought of this all by her lonesome. Use ornament hooks to hang Christmas cards from the garland on your stairs. How smart is that?!?!

Happy Monday, ya'll!!!!! Stay tuned for more Christmas fun with the ladies of the Roof.
So fun to look at everyone's trees! Lovely!!
Sorry I didn't get a pic to you in time for this! :-/ These are some pretty great trees!
YAY! Decorations! The only photo I have of our tree so far is when it fell over and is on the living room floor. LOL! I am sorry I am such a slacker! I do want to send in a couple decorations pics, though. Great ideas!
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