This book was written by Jerry Seinfeld's wife, Jessica, and it gives great recipes that kids will eat...and they're all made with fresh vegetables and healthy ingredients! The trick is to puree your favorite veggies and fruits and add them to whatever you're cooking. I saw her on The View last year when the book first came out and she made everything look so good and easy, so I thought I'd give it a try. For my first experiment, I tried the chicken nuggets with a broccoli puree and I have to say they are scrumptious! They were so easy to make and the best part is that my daughter LOVED them. She had no idea she was eating fresh broccoli! These can be made it large batches and then placed in the freezer, too.
Now, some people may look at this cookbook and think "I will never have time to do this. It's too much work and it makes me tired just thinking about it". Not true. I put aside a few hours once in a while when my children are napping and use this as my pureeing time. Now that it's summer time, all the produce stands have their fresh fruits and veggies displayed. Pick some that you like and some that you normally don't buy. Wash them, peel them if necessary and them steam them until soft. Place them in your blender with a little bit of water and puree until they reach a nice liquid form. I store mine in 1/2 cup increments in a ziploc bag and then label with a black sharpie. When you're ready to use them, you can thaw the bag and place in your recipes. Get creative! You'd be surprised what vegetables you can sneak into certain recipes. Some other favorite recipes of ours from the book are the mac and cheese, the salsa (my husband even likes it!), the quesadillas and the blueberry/spinach oatmeal me, they are DELICIOUS!

Man, this is the kind of thing that you think, why didn't I think of that. The closeset I got to any of this was pureed veggies frozen as ice cubes. This looks great and I still might try it for JR and definitely AP. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for this tip. My 3 year old will not eat anything except peanut butter sandwiches and chicken nuggets. I was just telling my husband that I needed to figure out some way to get him to eat other foods. His problem is that he won't even taste one bite of something he hasn't had before. I think I'll go buy this book today and give it a try.
Donna, I LOVE this book and use some of the recipes, too. My fam loves the sweet potato pancakes and some of the muffins. I don't always have time to I keep store bought baby food. I still serve items with fresh veggies, too. This is just a good way to get extra veggies in. Michele, don't get too discouraged; I've read that it often takes 11 times or more of trying something to determine if a child really doesn't like something. Don't give up! :)
Ha! I do this too... I inwardly giggled in satisfaction as my husband and son ate scrambled eggs with cauliflower, saying they were "the best eggs ever." I never told.
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