My family drove from Atlanta to Rockford, Illinois to see my sweet cousin Bridget get married. The week leading up to the wedding was a whirlwind. Parties, rehearsals, eating, laughing, decorating, cutting up fruit, putting together flower bouquets, you name it. My little boy, Wesley, was one of the ring bearers. He and my nephew walked down the aisle ringing actual bells! Being so busy, I didn't prepare myself for what I was about to see...
Once Wesley and Evan made it down the aisle without any major catastrophes, I had them sit down next to me, and I took a deep breath, for the first time in days. And, then, I watched. I watched as my sweet little cousin walked down the aisle. She was radiant. Her eyes were fixed on Jeremy. I became completely wrapped up in the moment. Everything else around me just faded into the background as I listened to them read each other their vows. Then, the part everyone always looks forward to...the KISS! Well...
Bridget and her fiance, Jeremy, had saved their first kiss for their WEDDING DAY! I mean, this is unheard of! Knowing this, I sat on the edge of my seat, waiting for those words..."You may now kiss the bride!" I even felt myself taking a deep breath for her. It was as if, for just a moment, all of time stood still.
I'm so proud of this couple. Their first priority was to honor God with their relationship. They are an incredible example. I couldn't help but think, it's only going to get more and more difficult for our children to value purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity.
I love that this verse uses the word purity and not virginity. Virginity is a given here. But to be pure, to be able to stand before your family and God and present yourself PURE to your partner in speech, love, and faithfulness...what a treasure.
Way to go Bridge and Jeremy! I'm so proud of you both. And, Jeremy, thanks for giving me hope that my boys can do the same thing some day!!!
Just for kicks...this is my little Wesley. Before walking down the aisle:
Congratulate. Boy is so cute.
That is an awesome experience to witness! My sister's first kiss was when she married her husband. Now they are 2 years into their marriage, have one little girl and expecting a boy in September! :D
Great photos! I knew a couple like that in college through Campus Crusade. :o)
You're quite the photographer, Ang! Wesley is adorable and this is the sweetest story. Great post. I need a copy of the road trip to Rockford schedule for when we go through there later this summer!
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