Free-for-all Friday: The Women of Roof With a View
Welcome, ya'll! Thank you for stopping by our new blog. If you are wondering what Roof with a View is all about, please click here.
Hopefully, you've been able to enjoy Wednesday in the Word with Glenda and Thrifty Thursday with our Carolina Clipper, Richelle. Our goal is to provide you each day with a little "nugget" that will prove helpful and applicable while encouraging you in your role as a wife and/or mother.
Each Friday, we will host Free-for-all Friday where a random one out of the 14 of us will post on a surprise topic. We realize that you would probably like to know who we are before you consider spending each day with us. Therefore, this Free-for-all Friday is going to feature the Women of the Roof with a View. We hope meeting us will speak for itself as to what we may share and why we already love YOU...our fellow wives and mothers!
Without further ado, I bring you the 14 WOMEN of Roof with a View!!!
Angela- I am a mother of 2 energetic boys, and a pastor's wife. I am learning that seeing myself through God's eyes allows me to love who He is creating me to be. I LOVE to laugh. I'm a little quirky and that's fine with me. Although I'm not a great singer, I'm constantly singing. I love music. I like the smell of coffee but I don't care to drink it. Something about holding a warm, pretty mug of coffee in my hands somehow makes me feel a little more mature. I'm a movie buff. I've always thought I'd make an excellent food critic because I love to eat! After almost 12 years of marriage, I'm still trying to figure out a "home" routine. When do I start dinner? What day is best for laundry? How many ways can you kill a spider without having to actually smush it yourself? (by the way, don't use oven cleaner, it wreck's your carpet!) I've learned that when women share who they REALLY are, walls come down. Let's let each other off the hook gals! We all have our junk. But together, God has designed us to be a beautiful masterpiece.
Annie- I am a born and bred Texas native, a thirty something wife of nine years and the mother of three boys under age five. We live a busy life while trying to maintain a sense of family unity and commitment to God's purpose for our lives. God has been telling me "keep it simple, be still, let go" since I began this journey of motherhood but I have resisted like a willful toddler since the day my oldest son was born. Fortunately, through some rather tragic and painful events, God broke this prideful spirit in me and has been showing me who He designed me to be. More than anything I thirst to read God's word and hear His voice. Nothing is more satisfying! I feel called to teach and minister to women in their marriages as they nurture their relationship with Christ and make their walk with Him a priority. Through laughter and tears, we will grow together.
Aundrea- I am a wife to one, and a mother to two boys. I arise early (sometimes), do the laundry (not every week), pay the bills (with my husbands income), clean the house (just when I can’t stand it any longer), run a business (if you want to call it that), feed my family (on somewhat of a budget), transport my children (as much as any other mother), and love on my husband in his love language (not as much as I should). In my spare time I enjoy the little things like, drinking coffee, exercising (I completed my first sprint triathlon in 2008), and showering without someone knocking on the door. I am far from perfect, but by the grace of God, I can surely laugh at the days to come.
Dolly- People call me Dolly but my real name is Darla. I'm married to the most down to earth, classy farm lovin' boy this side of the East. I'm a new mom of a sweetheart boy. I'm a housewife and a cookie monster. I'm one of five daughters and love my family. I love to exercise and long walks relax me. I love to blog. I love the Lord and pray God uses me each day to bring others to Him.
Donna- I am an adoring wife who is fortunate enough to stay at home and take care of our two small children. Although at times it gets crazy and stressful, I am content with where God has placed me in this season of my life. I love to cook and bake, scrapbook, blog, and attend Bible study and playdates. I enjoy the challenge of removing a stain, I am an avid couponer and bargain hunter. I love family and traditions and the occasional look through People Magazine.
Ellen- I am a “Stay at Home Mom” which makes me laugh, because I am hardly at home (with 3 children there is always somewhere to go or somewhere I need to be). I have certainly discovered that each year I am presented with a new set of challenges. I am now at the place, with my relationship with the Lord, where I can face them head on and know that He is with me all the way. My middle child was diagnosed with Autism about a year ago. Within a year’s time, it has been remarkable to see the results of his treatment and therapies. I have been amazed to learn the how environmental toxins and diet play such a huge role in his treatment. I know that the Lord has given us these challenges to help others, and I pray that is exactly what I can do. Everyday is an adventure in this family, but I love every moment of it. I look forward to sharing some of the details that make my life, as a mom, a wife, and a child of God, so fulfilling!
Glenda- I am a wife, a mom, a "Shugie" (grandmother) and a follower of Jesus Christ. He changed my life and I am humbled and grateful to serve Him every day. I married when I was ninteen (you don't have to tell your teenagers that) and have been in love with the same man for 35 years. The Lord blessed us with four beautiful children, one son in law (that we love), and a granddaugther. I have always had a desire to encourage women in their personal walk with Jesus. The Lord has taken me many places, through many seasons and allowed me to meet many people. I look forward to meeting women through this blog.
Hannah- I am thankful to have been raised by wonderful Christian parents that continue to love Jesus Christ with all of their heart, soul and mind. After seeing what the world had to offer during my college years, I praise Jesus that he saw fit to save me and set me free from myself. He has blessed me beyond measure as a wife, mother and stay at home mom. In my dreams, I am a domestic goddess, but in reality, I aspire to be a crafty, thrifty, organized, immaculate, exercize loving housewife. I do love our church, being with my family and friends, Bible Study, writing, the beach, blogging, playdates, trying new recipes and "fun" exercise (ex. Zumba, Pilates). Everyday, I am thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace as I strive to be the woman He's created me to be. My prayer is for each of you to be full of the joy that is only found by letting Jesus be the Lord and Savior of your whole life.
Imogene- I am 32 years old and I have been sewing as long as I can remember. As a child, my mom made everything including my clothes and bedding. She really has been an inspiration for my craft business that I have now. I focus mainly on home decor sewing but am open to all types of sewing. I stay at home with my 1 1/2 year old and I am due with baby #2 in August. I worked in Corporate America as a Business Banker before I had my first Child. I live in North Carolina with all of my family and it is so great to have their love and support so close. I was brought up in a Christian home but used it as a religion and not the relationship that I have with my Savior now. Jesus Christ has been the center of my life since I was born again in college. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful church family where we live. Anyone that loves me knows that I love to decorate, so, I am hope that I can share some of my helpful hints and projects that I have been doing for years!
Jaime- A California native that now lives in the Pacific Northwest, I am an adoring wife and, most importantly, a child of God who longs earnestly to know her Creator more intimately. He loved me, redeemed me and set me free... it is for this reason I too can love. I am also an artist. My art is a direct look into my heart as I work through the joys and sorrows of life; a reflection of my walk with God and the love, security, peace, salvation and daily joy he brings into my life. Without Him, my life would be colorless. My dream is to inspire women to live freely and to experience their journeys fully; to move beyond the world's expectations and live in the bliss that comes when she understands what it means to be created for a unique purpose that God has designed especially for her.
Karen- I am a Tennessee native, but I now live in Georgia. I love chocolate chip cookies, and I am an expert procrastinator. A two-time class clown (middle school and high school), I have been described as goofy and quirky--but old age, perhaps, has subdued me. I love my Lord, my DH, my daughter, my family, my friends--and I love you, too. I'm commanded to, actually. Because I'm a Christian.
Katrina- I have been a wife to my best friend, Chad, for 9 years. He is a gift of the Lord’s grace and mercy to this prodigal daughter. I am having the best time spending my days with him. He gives me strength, joy and more laughs than I can handle. We have been blessed with 3 daughters, two whom I am homeschooling (also by the Lord’s grace and mercy!). Our youngest surprise is 6 months and she has made our home complete, zany and joyful. In those tiny moments I have alone I am an artist and a singer/songwriter. I have also written children’s books that I hope to have published some day. Chad and I have a love for drama, as well, and teach it to junior high students at Central Church of God. I am overwhelmed with all that the Lord has blessed me with. He has shown me that when I delight in Him, He truly will give me the desires of my heart.
Nancy- I am the blessed wife of one and mother of two. My two children are now in school all day, so this year has been a real transition for me. But one that I have really enjoyed! I enjoy reading, some aspects of home management, date nights with my husband, spending time with friends, being in God’s word, and couponing. I would like to say that I enjoy exercise, but most days I do not. I do try to get it in anyway and have the goal of running my first 5K. Having moved around a good bit growing up, I am so thankful that we have been able to raise our family (so far) while staying put! I seek to honor the Lord with all that I do and pray that this blog will bring others into a deeper relationship with Him.
Richelle- I am a 30 year old wife and a mom of two boys. Prior to being a SAHM I was a convention planner. I’ve now transferred my love of all things Excel/planning/organizing to managing my family. I started the Boredom Busters and enjoy planning unique playgroups for my friends in our local community. My new passion since October 2008 is being thrifty!! Who knew there was so much to be saved by using coupons and seeking out the deals? I am so thankful that the Lord led me down this path! My ultimate goal is to please Him in every area of my life. The reason I want to be a part of RWAV is to share PRACTICAL TOOLS to make saving money easy, fun, and to help you reach your financial goals. Join me on this exciting journey as we honor God with our finances!
Disclaimer: The women of Roof with a View are not perfect. The purpose of this blog is not to discourage anyone in areas where she feels she has fallen short. The 14 of us are each very human; we are flawed women made whole by one Holy God. We simply have come together to share with YOU the one common hope in our given roles, especially in the areas where we may struggle ourselves. That hope is Jesus, and our guideline is His Word, the Bible.
Yeah, we're up and running! I'm excited to learn from all the women who visit and share! The possibilities are endless...
I enjoyed reading the bios and I look forward to all that is to come. Thank you all for sharing your lives with those of us who will be readers! I know that you'll be an inspiration to many.
Nice to meet all of you! Since I will be an avid reader of RWAV, I feel like I should introduce myself to all of you. My name is Angela and I am a minister's wife staying at home with 2 little boys. I live in FL and started blogging because I loved Denise L.'s blog. Our husbands work together. I feel like I know some of you from Denise's blog and the swaps. I love to learn new things, doing crafts, exercising (I am going to try Zumba for the first time next week), doing Beth Moore bible studies, serving in the cafe at church, learning how to better my marriage, spending time with my family (they all live close), and getting my hair done! I love the Lord and pray He uses me to do His will!
Joy and Angela! Thank you for checking RWAV out and for your encouragement.
Angela, I've seeen your name and heard about you but it's so nice to formally "meet" you and learn who you are. Thank you for sharing!
You're right, Carolina Clipper, the possibilities are endless when we share!
Whoa. Is this Allison H as in Photo Dept @ BG and Video at church? Thanks for stopping by and Welcome!!!!!!
My sister mentioned that my head shot looked like I could be a motivational speaker or author. hahahahah! She's right! Maybe I should add that to my bio.
Beautiful girls from the inside out!!
I am so very excited to have a new encouraging blog to read each day. Thank you for being transparent and open to share with women who will benefit from new found friends!!
I will keep each of you in my prayers as you take on this new endeavor!
HPS -'ve got the right allison! thanks for the welcome :0)
Thank you all for this blog! What a blessing it is. I just discovered Roof with a View today (through my friend Beth H, who is a mutual friend of Hannah's). Your posts are great and I've already cried several times -- the first, when I read in Karen's bio, "and I love you, too. I'm commanded to, actually. Because I'm a Christian." What a true testament of a Christian heart. A girl can't have too many Christian friends - and I'm excited to have 14 virtual new ones. Thank you for a daily spot to come for spiritual nourishment! Brooke Brown, Charlotte, NC
Brooke, Thank you for visiting and commenting!!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so glad Beth shared this with you. Amen on you can never have too many Christian friends. I hope to have the privilege of meeting you one day in person!
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