Recently, my boys found out that I had a few trophies from my childhood. I grew up in an era where most trophies still were "earned". Though a few girls I grew up with had numerous awards for beauty pageants, my trophies were for things like memorizing the books of the Bible, winning a spelling bee, character awards, art, and even one for a "marathon" in elementary school. Yet, as "special" as those moments were at the time, all these years my awards have been collecting dust or have been packed away for quite a long time.
When I brought them out (because the boys begged me to), we dusted them. I explained to the boys that they have no real painted metal, and they wouldn't survive a fire. It was a great opportunity to share a lesson on laying up true treasures in heaven. The boys were quite captivated, though no matter what I taught them, their eyes were still fixed on those trophies.
Later, my husband and I were chatting before bedtime. He told me that we had three trophies...our three sons. I've been chewing on that for awhile. These "trophies" we have been given aren't even "deserved" or "earned"....though we've certainly worked really hard since they were "given" to us. Yet, at the same time, they aren't like those awards given at the end of an athletic season to members who just showed up to meet the requirements of being on the team. Our sons (trophies) weren't carelessly given and half-heartedly received. These have been entrusted to us. They are to be put on display for God's glory. And the way we raise them is what will bring Christ glory...not for our own sakes (though it does feel good for people to notice the job you seem to be doing as a parent) but so that the world will take notice of the Christ that is.
How are you treating your "trophies"? Are they "on display" to shine for Christ in the way you are leading them? Remember, they are more valuable than any earthly treasure. Value them as such!
Much love,
What a sweet pic of your trophies and what a sweet post. Now, I wanna see Chadwick do a post on his trophy wife...haha..inside family joke about "trophy wives." :) This post definitely dignifies the word trophy and how thankful I am for mine. :)
Thanks, HPS! Haha...didn't think about "trophy wives"!
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