
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Train Up Tuesday: Why Not Y?

Cabin fever, cabin FEVER! It has been CRAZY up in my house lately. A week of cabin fever due to the "white out" that we had a couple weeks ago in NC while my husband was on a ministry trip. And then last week, another week of cabin fever while taking care of a 2 1/2 y.o. baby boy who had developed pneumonia. I was looking for Calgon (or anybody else) to "take me away" ;-) I'm ready for SPRING so we can get out of the house and enjoy the great outdoors again.

Cabin fever is enough to stress you out, for sure. Lately, when I'm stressed, a good run kinda clears the air. Realistically, though, with 3 small boys at home, those opportunities to take a good run in my neighborhood are few and far between. Enter "The Y". My hubby and I were members like an eternity ago and we have 2 great Ys within 5 minutes of our house, but we haven't been members in several years. I think I assumed with kids, other responsibilities, and just being "tired all the time" the likelihood of ever getting there and taking advantage of our membership were slim.

However, a few months ago, we reevaluated our position. We looked at the benefits of physical activity and discipline, naturally, but we also looked at the opportunities for me to get out of the house...and NOT have to hunt for or pay extra for a sitter. Since our Y (and you'll have to check the details at your local YMCA) includes 2 hours of childcare per day, it's a perfect opportunity for me to workout, get in shape, sweat away my stress (and hopefully all those nasty germs trying to creep in), and perhaps make some new friends. OR it's a good time to just relax in the steam room....or in the lobby with my iPod. In fact, I know of a few friends who work out the first hour a couple times a week and then just relax and maybe read the last hour.

I think something like the Y is great for any family with young kids but especially if you don't have lots of hands to help you during the week (there are people ready to watch your babies) , or you live in an area perhaps away from your family and friends where you don't know lots of people yet (the caretakers at the Y are trustworthy).

Maybe you don't have a Y near you. Consider some other options, like a Bible or book study or hobby group that provides childcare. You will love it and your kids will likely thrive and enjoy the chance to get to know some other people. A healthy body, mind, and spirit will help cure some of this cabin fever. And be of good cheer....spring will come ;-)

Much love,

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