This past Saturday, my mom and I had our annual Mother/Daughter bake-a-thon and made a varity of cookies and decorated a gingerbread house with my two boys. Well, let me clarify that she and I decorated while they vied for the candy to eat during the process. I always have the camera within arms reach and happened to look back at previous year's cookie baking extravaganzas and it made me smile. Our tradition was making lasting memories and I love to watch how the boys interact with their grandmother. It's a special bond. Family is precious.
The past two weeks I've been working like crazy, running more errands than I thought were humanly possible, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, giving gifts, addressing Christmas cards and working on the perfect menu for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (I'm cooking for both this year!). I've made list upon list, checked each more than twice and at the end of each day, fall into bed exhausted beyond belief.
Today I officially started my Christmas vacation and as I had a few minutes to spare (so rare - it must be nap time for the kids!) I took a deep breath and realized I needed to slow down the pace. Things have been a blur and I don't want the busyness to impair my enjoyment of what the season truly means. I want my memories to be precious and lasting - not a 'blink and it's over experience' as I'm removing ornaments from a tree I feel I just put up.
So here is my deep breath: I'm going to enjoy family time - even if it means dinner is less extravagant and served on paper plates. I'm going to let my sons choose a bedtime book that is super long to read so we can enjoy it together and not rush through it. I'm going to let the dishes sit in the sink so we can drive around and look at Christmas lights together after dinner. I'm going to opt for gift bags for the remaining gifts that need wrapping. I'm going to relax with my husband on the couch after the kids have gone to bed and I'm going to listen to whatever he has to say, without interruption of folding the laundry and putting away scattered toys.
I love the institution of family that God created and I want to enjoy one of His most perfect gifts to me - my husband and children.
Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.”
Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him.
Take a deep breath with me and let's enjoy the Christmas holiday together.
Merry Christmas!
cc -- LOVE this blog and try to read as often as I can. unsure how i missed that you were an author here. i was surprised and excited to see you here -- and I'm excited to read your future posts! hope you and your family enjoyed the holidays!
Thanks Brooke!!! XO!
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