Ideas for kids:
For the past three years I have done a Christmas Cookie play group for my son. Well, every year I am cleaning up sprinkles all season long and not to mention the icing that creates a nice film over my kitchen floors. I had to ask myself is the 5 minutes of kid fun worth months of cleaning up remnants? Not really is the answer! This year I am taking a different approach and thought I would share. I am going to make these fun hot chocolate cupcakes and the kids can have another kind of fun for 5 minutes, eating them. This way I am done with the wrapping of cookies, cleaning up of cookies, and distributing of cookies at this play group. I may even get to talk to some of the moms. Here is the fun recipe from one of the magazines I bought from (This is a great place for discount magazines and I have loved the 4 holiday editions I got this season to inspire me to be a better mom by being better to myself. ):Sweet Holiday Cakes
Ideas for Adults:
We are hosting a Regift White Elephant Party. This is where everyone brings a regifted item with no tag of who it is from and then we draw numbers and take turns picking up the presents and deciding if we want to gamble at a new regifted item or take anothers that has already been rewrapped. This makes no hardship on yourself to bring 2 new gender friendly items. The game really is a funny joke to see who can get the worst gift and not the best:White Elephant Game Rules
The second thing is to only serve dessert and provide all the food yourself. My husband and I host multiple parties through the year and the last one we hosted, everyone left with half full dishes and I thought...these women probably spent that afternoon making these items and it was total food overload. I know I get to talking so much sometimes I forget to eat:) Providing the food would cut down on the returning of dishes that get left and the discussions of who is leaving what. So that our guests truly have a relaxing time as a guest at this party, my husband and I will have a date night the weekend before and make all of our favorite desserts.
Ideas for Family Gatherings:
Allllll along the line in my 11 years of marriage, family gatherings have included food. What a nice treat it would be to meet out somewhere for dinner instead of a home.
If there are kids galore, another fun idea would be a play house such as Monkey Joes. The kids can gather in the game area and the adults can actually talk. To make this even better, instead of swapping gifts with all the kids, tell them this IS the gift. You will have cut down on time shopping, wrapping, and traveling with gifts. Build-a-Bear is another fun idea as well (Build-A-Bear).
Have fun celebrating with friends and family. I hope that these suggestions can make for a better holiday season for all MOMMIES!
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