A few years ago, I started noticing towards the end of summer, farmers would bale hay as usual, but then a day later, they would be wrapped in a white plastic covering. I thought they looked like ginormous marshmallows! I kept the thought to myself until my husband and I were on our way to work one day. Then, I casually said, “All of the sudden, I have a craving for a huge rice crispy treat!” It took him a few seconds, but then he got it. ;-D

Now that I we have two young boys, we call them “marshmallow farms” when we see them this time of year. We pretend that we’d like to eat the huge treats. That always brings smiles and excitement as we pass by these fields.
This year, it hit me. What if we go to one of those fields one day with our own marshmallows and take some fun pics? So, this weekend, my oldest son and I (on our way to a mother-son date at our church), stopped by such a field. He was super delighted.
Hugging a "huge marshmallow"
So, why blog about it? Just to encourage you to embrace silliness and imaginations, to be a part of it, and to plan on ways to enhance these simple times where all that is needed is a playful mind. :) Also, it lets your kids know that you have another side besides just being caretaker or teacher. Perhaps you really were a child like them once.
What silliness have you been up to lately? Blog about it and post a link in the comments!
Have a lovely, goofy week,
What a great post. I love the idea of taking the photograph of your son with actual marshmallows too. You will have that memory in print forever! Thanks for the great ideas :)
Rather cool blog you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
Anete Kuree
Love this!
Angel Eye...thought about my photog friends when I posted this. Glad it gets your approval ;-)
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