There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the Winter wind away."

If you’ve been following RWAV for a while, you may remember a couple of blog entries mentioning the “Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name,” by Sally Lloyd Jones.

Late last year, my family purchased this book and began reading it to our boys. Wow, we were blown away at the writing and the illustrations! It is certainly a rarity to find a children’s devotional book that parents are eager to read from cover to cover when the kids are put to bed. This book truly connects so many of the stories from the Old and New Testaments to show the common theme of humanity’s need for a “Rescuer.” I think every family should have this as part of their library.
So, we are giving away one of these books! Would you like a chance to win? From March 2 to March 11 (6:00PM EST), we will be accepting entries. Make sure that you leave your email address in at least one of your entries (which means no “Anonymous” entries would work). You have a few chances to enter, so you will need to leave separate comment for each of these chances (meaning for 5 chances, 5 comments):
- Leave a comment telling your favorite Bible story that you share with your children or the Bible story they request the most often.
- Become a Roof With a View blog follower (leave a comment saying that you are). OR If you are already a RWAV follower, leave a comment saying that you are.
- Become a RWAV fan on Facebook (leave a comment below that you are) OR leave a comment that you already are a fan.
- Become a “Jesus Storybook Bible” Fan on Facebook (leave a comment below saying you have) OR if you already are a fan, leave a comment below saying that you are.
- Blog about this giveaway and leave a link in the comments section below.
Want to find out more about this book? You can read the book’s introduction here, where the author explains what the Bible is and isn’t (this alone was all the convincing I needed to read our way through this book). Also, check out The Jesus Storybook Bible’s site for more information and videos updated weekly featuring different stories from this Bible.
Hope that warms up your day a little!

I talk to my daughter about how Jesus loves the little children as we sing the song. We also pray with her at night and she always says a loud AMEN ! Also, I am a fan of your blog.
I just happened on to your blog recently. My children are grown now, but my granddaughters are a very large part of my life. I love to share with them Jesus. My favorite is the story of Jesus!! His birth, his life, his death, and his reserection. What a story! With many, many stories inside. I would love to have this book to share with them.
My boys love to hear about Shadrach, Mesach, & Abednego. The also love to hear the 10 Commandments, go figure. My girls will listen to me read anything from the Bible, what a blessing! Jen
I have been a follower of this blog for a few months now! I enjoy it! Jen
PLEASE don't forget to leave an email address if your user name doesn't allow us to contact you!
I'm a fan of the Storybook page and it's on my facebook page's favourites.
I've joined the group Room with a View, I couldn't find a page to become a fan of?
I write my own Bible adaptations and my kids' favourite is the story of Jesus healing the paraplegic. It's called the Tomato Ketchup Story in our house! They just love the how great the four friends are to go to all that trouble!
Ok, now I'm following the blog. I've only just discovered you via Sally's tweet. I'll post your button to my site too ;) It's a lovely blog!
Katie, I believe you are right...you become a member of RWAV on FB instead of a "fan" ;-) Thanks for mentioning.
Read all about my discoveries online in my journey towards publication! You can find a review of this and other great Christian sites in today's blog, A World of Discovery.
http://yummyforthetummy.webs.com/apps/links/. Thanks guys for an inspirational blog!
my three-year-old always wants to read the one about "the snake." (i.e. the fall of man.) a close second is noah's ark...he loves the animal illustrations!
i'm adding you to my google reader!
and, becoming a fan on facebook!
and, i'm already a fan of the jsb...SUCH AN AMAZING BIBLE!!! i have given it as a gift to several people. love it!
We love Jesus Storybook Bible! I am already a fan on Facebook, and think this is a MUST for any parents out there!
-Matt Oshel
My kids love the story of when Jesus feeds 5000 with one boy's lunch and the story of the "firey furnace". Haven't seen this bible before, but we'd love a new one to add to our mix!
Oh, and I'm a FB fan of RWAV too!
My daughter was just born on December 26, so I'm thinking the Christmas story is going to be one of our favorites!
I've been looking for a story Bible to read to our little girl. She's only a few months old, but I believe it's important from the start to incorporate sharing God's truth into our nighttime routine. So I became a fan of JSB on fb!
Our favorite Bible story is the story of Noah because we talk about how his friends and neighbors probably thought he was crazy and he may have experience a lot of rejection for being obedient to the Lord. And I ask the girls how they might apply that lesson to their lives.
I joined your FaceBook group.
I am a fan of the Jesus Storybook Bible on FaceBook
I became a follower of RWAV!
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