I said this to my husband the other day when we were talking about how the storms that we have walked through the last three years have changed us.
When you lose a child or anyone you love, for that matter, it just changes the way you look at this life. The things that once seemed to be so important and make so much difference, just don't anymore. My priorities have changed.
Bottom line, I have a child in heaven and the reality of being able to see him there one day keeps me focused on heaven. I have come to realize fully that this life on earth is just preparation for heaven. I want to walk the road from here to there well. I am not perfect. I know that it will not be a perfect, beautiful walk. Sometimes my walk will be more like a limp. However, I intend to walk it. I hope that the Lord uses me to bring people to Himself. I hope to be faithful to Jesus and I want to love people well.
We talk a lot about being faithful to Jesus but not very much about loving each other well. Sometimes love is such an illusive word that we throw around. We know it is a good word and surely something we should do. As a believer, the word love should have a fuller meaning because the whole reason that our life is different is because someone loved us so much that they died for us. His Name is Jesus. The first place we must look to see what love means is His life and His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross.
We must let what Jesus did filter down into our days and change the way we love ourselves and those around us. We are not going to find everyone completely lovable and we may have to make some difficult stands. I have found that the love that is in our hearts because Jesus is there can allow us to be motivated by love even when it is difficult.
We are also living in a day when believers in Christ need the support and love of other believers in Christ. The time for being in our own little falsely perfect worlds is over. The scripture says that "iron sharpens iron". Your love expressed in the simplest way to someone else can sharpen them or give them the strength they need to keep taking steps in their own walk. I have lived long enough to have seen the difference a kind word, a meal, a prayer, a flower, a note, a listening ear or you fill in the blank can make.
This scripture comes to mind:
Ephesians 4:32 - 5:2
32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
1Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children
2and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
From the rooftop:
Look to Jesus as the greatest picture of love and follow it.
Be Kind.
Be Compassionate.
You are loved by a heavenly Father that has done all that for you.
Love in such a way that it refreshes someone else's soul .
I am praying that we can all love each other well. It is what Jesus has done to us. He expects nothing less from us.

WOW! This is beautiful! I just happened upon your website and was blessed to read today's blog. I am the executive director of a Christian pregnancy resource center and have learned so much in having the opportunity to love on these young girls and literally be Jesus to them since many don't know Him...just last week we saw a young lady not only choose life for her unborn baby but choose eternal life for herself as she chose Jesus as her Lord and Savior! Blessing to all of you!
~Polly from Idaho
This is exactly what we're hearing about in church right now. We were taught it for about a year, a couple years back and our pastor said we have to teach on it again because no one is doing it and these are the days that love of many (the believers) will wax cold.
This is right on time!
Polly and Adrienne,
Thank you for your comments. I am going to pray for you today. Polly, bless you in your work. I am sure that you noticed that you could get past post from this blog on the side of the page. If it is helpful to you in your work and life we are thrilled.
Adrienne, it does seem that the Christian world is need of loving well. Starting with me.
I hope you have a blessed day.
thank you for this! i needed to hear this TODAY...as in right this moment. thank you.
I just stumbled upon the blog for the first time today. It's amazing how right at the moment we need something, He provides it! This message is one I absolutely needed to hear today. Thank you so much!
Ambrosia from Oklahoma!
The scripture says that "iron sharpens iron". I just love that, I hope to share with my son so he goes into the world to share with others.
love is missing, thanks for reminding a "doer"! I am learning to just "be available" and let God do the work. thanks for loving Jesus!
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