Some of you have spouses serving our country so we can have the privilege of freedom. Others of you may have even lost your spouses as they served our country in the name of freedom. Today, as our country honors your spouses and those that have served, we want to take a minute to honor YOU! I can't imagine...
...saying goodbye to your spouse indefinitely.
...cheerfully holding down the fort alone in their absence.
...celebrating your children's milestones without them.
...hearing all of the political negativity about our soldiers being overseas knowing THAT's what your spouse is wholeheartedly doing.
...being strong for your children when you aren't feeling so strong.
...holidays apart from them.
...the emotional roller coaster.
...not having them there to relieve you when you need a break.
...keeping from being consumed with fear and worry for their safety and well being.
...rounding up your household alone to go to church alone.
...the transition of being the leader of your home in their absence and returning to the submissive, supportive helpmate upon their return.
....being sensitive and attuned to the emotional and physical consequences of what they have encountered during their service.
....the list could go on and on.
You may say, "I'm used to it. I know nothing different." But I say you are also sacrificing for our country and we honor you. God bless you.
Ladies of Roof with a View, please join me in praying for your fellow women in these roles and please remember to use the comments to leave a note of thanks and encouragement to them!
What a beautiful post. It's definitely the soldiers families that suffer in addition to the soldiers themselves. Thanks for the reminder to pray for them too!
I am so thankful to all military veterans and those in active duty as well as the spouses who stand by their mate to encourage them as they venture in to dangerous skies, waters and land . We are incredibly blessed as a country to have such brave men and women serving our country. As our military leave family behind to preserve and protect our freedom, I pray for you during your days of staying here in the US, missing your hubbies and praying for their safety and protection. May you feel God's presence with you as you are apart from your love.
That post truly brought tears to my eyes. I can not imagine what they all go through. These men, women and families definately deserve much more than they get.
Amazing Post. Seriously....in the day to day grind of things, I find myself complaining about little things. But this post is a reminder what these families and service men and women endure so that I can live the life I live. Thank you for posting this and thank you to all the men and women serving our country right now and may God watch over them.
Absolutely beautiful post. My husband is former military but was lucky enough to never see combat action. I have the utmost respect and admiration for military members and their families! My prayers go out to all of them!
What a wonderful post. And wonderful doesn't even begin to describe those men and women who serve our nation to keep us all safe. God bless them.
I am very thankful for all veterans & men and women currently in the military and fighting for us! THank you so much for all you do - putting your life on the line and keeping us safe:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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